Bernardo Silva charged with misconduct by FA

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We all know Bernardo was very stupid and naive, but it is quite clear he is not racist. FA will throw the book at him and fully expect a 6 game ban. One tiny consolation, Foden should get more game time.

So by giving him a 6 game ban they would be saying he is a racist.

This can destroy people. Can we agree he is not a racist?

If I was him I would fight it all the way and the club better support him.

This is not like the Suarez/Evra or Terry incidents.

Terry received a 4 game ban but was cleared in court of saying anything I believe
This should ensure a blanket ban by the players talking to the press, let's do this City a seige mentality.
Not sure what the press have done wrong in reporting this. What I find so hard to believe is the fact players use social platforms to send stuff to each other. Are the players really that thick that they have no preception of what they're doing.
Maybe it was better back in the day when they all got pissed talked to each other and shagged the groupies.
Its the fact it is so self inflicted that pisses me off.
The FA, UEFA, FIFA, big on slogans, pathetically spineless at doing something.
Racial chants, time and again at grounds where it can be guaranteed to happen and the predictable out-come? Sweet Fuck All. Undeniable racial abuse, ignored down-played and denied by the ruling bodies, but all of a sudden, out comes the big stick, the eagle-eyed moral guardians find a target flaunting a "racist tweet" on social media, seized on and amplified at every opportunity by our pure-as-the-driven-snow media whose intentions are noble of course, good-of-the-game and similar bollocks. Rubbing salt in the wound is some of our fans nodding it through, as though the lad had been caught out and has to be punished "learn his lesson". My lesson would be, "get me the fuck outa here"
Bernardo pulled the tweet.

The broadcasting media don't give a flying fu#k about solving racism. They're using this image to insight public outrage. They say "some viewers may find the following image offensive"

Okay, don't keep showing it then if you think people will be offended. Bernardo did the honorable thing and took it down.

If that image has been hijacked by the pricks that they are to add fuel to the fire then shame on them.

Most sensible post for a while. How anyone can't see the game they are playing is beyond me.
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Haven’t read the latest. Did he seriously get a six game ban? Are they fkng joking?
You’re right and that’s what boils my piss more than anything! Everyone can see what a genuine lovely guy Bernardo is even opposition fans know it. With this and var I’m seriously losing my love for football

I'm half way down that line in as much I wouldn't pay for a season ticket now like I did for 30+ years. I even go further than that and isolate myself from much of the day to day life and concentrate just on my family fighting the important battles that are immediate and local to me.
That being said I am still a blue and always will be, but it's beginning to feel like an old girlfriend who fucked your mate used the excuse that you had a small dick and she convinced all your friends you drove her to do it, football has moved on and has become a corporate exersize in fleecing with the customers moral and financial consent.
It is about keeping it secret. Who the fuck is stupid enough to think the club got their hands tied over £1m?

You think the lawyers went to Txiki and said, "Look boss, we can take a settlemet for 0.2% of our yearly revenue, or we can freely speak about a competitor hacking into our scouting department" and they decided to go with the £1m?
We are not a club to make a fuss about anything,we are talking years ago when saying nothing is the way our owner likes it,it's only this summer the gloves are coming off,talk about getting twisted up over nothing
FA looking into Peps comments now as well pmsl.

They have zero fucking shame.


Back to the late 17th century, then...
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