Bernardo Silva

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90m what?


It‘s meaningless without labels. And, to the uninitiated, £ and € are not interchangeable.

Unless it says otherwise, I usually take a stated number to be in pounds, think it shhould almost go without saying.
How much a player is worth debates should be banned.

Utterly pointless and emotive.

I think writing out imaginary formations with one or two additional potential incomings should be banned myself, yet here we are. Part and parcel of the transfer business.
I clearly like Manchester more than you do. I also think he’s a lot better off in employment with trustworthy people who don’t default (or defer) wages and don’t confront their players in public. By all accounts no club looks after their players as well as we do. If Bernardo wants to play for such a club so much then I wouldn’t deal with them unless they (a) pay what we value him at, and (b) I would say pay up front (insolvency must be a real risk for these charlatans, already selling off companies and future gate receipts).

Difference being mate, you are from Manchester, Bernie isn't.

He has the means to play anywhere and has already lived in Lisbon and Monaco.

If you come from a different culture, I can totally understand someone who wants to try something else after five years.

Personally, I find Manchester an aggressive, dirty place to live, although, like any big City it has its exceptions.

It is horrific to see the levels of depravation and that's from somebody who grew up in Moss Side!
But can his lovely missus?

When Bernie is training or away with the team, she is stuck alone looking at the Irwell and walking John down the arse end of Salford.
Zaba's Mrs wasn't too keen on Manchester earlier on into his City career either but she coped. Besides that isn't he renting a new place in Cheshire
I've lived here all my life!

Manchester is alright. There's certainly very nice places to live / bring up a family if you work there and earn what Bernie does. Also, in Bernie's case, it's not forever but perhaps he is too young to have the perspective of someone like me who has both lived in the MCR area and away from it for longer than Bernie has been on this planet.

It's his life though and we have to respect it. From City's point of view, it needs sorting definitively a.s.a.p.. We've already survived the loss of better / more important players.
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