Bet with a rag friend

lol missed this thread, winner.

Keep us updated on his stages of emotions and eventual timestamp of when his heart breaks.

I won £100,it was £S0 at first that we would finish in the top 2,then double or quits as to who would win the league with a few games to go.
Next season, a tenner we finish higher than them(different rag)
Beers are chilling in the fridge, picking him up in a couple of hours. He's already asked if we can watch the euro matches instead...he should be so lucky. Think I'll make him watch all the pre match build up too. I'm so looking forward to this.
last season 10/11 a rag mate of mine bet me £100 we wouldnt finish in top 4,he then had a double or quit we woudnt finish in top 3 this season,so i had a bit of a piss up on him,now he as had me another £100 for next season that the rags go further than us in champs league
der bomber28 said:
I have a bet, if we do the double over them again this season. I get to take the rags lovely Spanish girlfriend, up the chocolate ship canal. I haven't asked him yet though. ;0)

Err does she have an opinion on this!?? :)

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