shootmeifipost10k said:
Serious question Buzzer
What are all these people who believe in all the cover ups actually doing about it if they believe in it so much.
All I can see is they write alot they are very good at writing about it, they then agree with each other at yearly gatherings at which they buy loads of stuff to read and watch.
Make films post them on youtube agree with each other again, then just argue with everyone else in the comments calling them sheep.
It looks to me all they are doing is shouting at everyone about what they believe in but not really doing anything about it.
It is a mass gathering of human spirit, people are waking up by the 1000s and let it not be said that little is being done, there is a lot being done but not physical as you know it, that is why the agenda is speeding up so the sheeple do not escape the field by the time the barrier goes down permanently.. as for the escapees ie me, well we will be just rounded up in time but they will just put us back in the said field as there will be room as the previous inhabitants will be already on the slab, just means we woulda had a few more days freedom.
Anyway, it matters not one wit as you will see when you pass over.