Biggest Political Mistake

The list could be endless, but mostly involves the labour party's antics when the public have been foolish enough to vote them in on the back of the usual pack of lies.

The robbing of the pension funds by Brown.
Selling our gold reserves at rock bottom prices
Taking this country to war with yet more deceit
The constant twisting of facts, and corruption of the education system that has led to some of the answers on this thread through pure f*cking ignorance.

As an example lets look at "Thatcher destroyed the mining industry"

The Clean air act was the death knoll for coal,forcing every home and factory to stop using to have a stab at who forced that one through?.

In ever single case after labour has been in power, they have borrowed to the hilt and left the country in debt (Just ignore Maggie leaving us with a surplus as usual ),blame her for the shortage of council houses without bringing up the numbers of immigrants labour encouraged to flood the country while building none.

Now lets have a look at what we as a people have had taken away by labour.

The right to remain silent, trail by jury, freedom of speech, the right to protest without having to obtain permission and being told where that protest must be............In short the complete undermining of the "Innocent until proven guilty" that British law was based on, as you can now be held without even seeing a judge.

B lair and his minions should be put against a wall an shot for what they have done.
blueonblue said:
The list could be endless, but mostly involves the labour party's antics when the public have been foolish enough to vote them in on the back of the usual pack of lies.

The robbing of the pension funds by Brown.
Selling our gold reserves at rock bottom prices
Taking this country to war with yet more deceit
The constant twisting of facts, and corruption of the education system that has led to some of the answers on this thread through pure f*cking ignorance.

As an example lets look at "Thatcher destroyed the mining industry"

The Clean air act was the death knoll for coal,forcing every home and factory to stop using to have a stab at who forced that one through?.

In ever single case after labour has been in power, they have borrowed to the hilt and left the country in debt (Just ignore Maggie leaving us with a surplus as usual ),blame her for the shortage of council houses without bringing up the numbers of immigrants labour encouraged to flood the country while building none.

Now lets have a look at what we as a people have had taken away by labour.

The right to remain silent, trail by jury, freedom of speech, the right to protest without having to obtain permission and being told where that protest must be............In short the complete undermining of the "Innocent until proven guilty" that British law was based on, as you can now be held without even seeing a judge.

B lair and his minions should be put against a wall an shot for what they have done.
You seem to understand so much but you struggle to understand that the thread topic isn't meant to be a party political broadcast by the clueless.
Try again, you'll get it eventually.
BTH said:
Phill said:
I thought your entry to this thread would have been the residents of St Mary's ward rejecting your good self to be their local councillor ;)

Yes Phil, coming from someone who's never actually stood for anything apart from - ironically - your deluded Safe Standing nonsense when you were fronting it for the rags (IMUSA, as I recall) that's pretty good. And from someone who hasn't got the balls to even stand up for himself without crying wolf, it's even better. It's such a shame. I wouldn't expect you to understand much about local politics here, but when you were trawling through Google, you clearly missed out that Prestwich was solid LidDem with nine out of nine seats this time last year and therefore an unlikely win on my first outing. Or maybe you're just an aspirational, if lightweight, LibDem yourself these days? Which wouldn't surprise me TBH.

It's been a long time, but just how long will I need to keep putting you in the picture?

P.S. I'd work on spelling your Christian correctly rather than pretentiously if I were you.

Blimey, someone's a bit touchy today!
Yes that's right, I was fronting a campaign for IMUSA as they wanted to see standing at Eastlands (rolls his eyes).

Oh, that PS of yours, you want me to work on spelling my Christian correctly.....
Shurely shome mishtake?
Human Rights Act - What a load of bollocks that is. Prisoners taking prisons to court to get officers to call them Mr.......

Reducing income tax from 22 to 20% out of the blue. Nobody was moaning when it was 22%. (Much harder to put back up again!)

Selling the countries gold supply was scandoulous.

Selling council houses at rock bottom prices.

making it too easy to claim benefits.

One good thing..............Minimum Wage
Stalin victims - 20 million
Hitler victims - 6 million

Maybe Chamberlain's biggest mistake was offering that guarantee to Poland instead of siding with Hitler to crush Stalin instead.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Stalin victims - 20 million
Hitler victims - 6 million

Maybe Chamberlain's biggest mistake was offering that guarantee to Poland instead of siding with Hitler to crush Stalin instead.

The breadth of your ignorance is truly astounding.

World War II casualty statistics vary greatly. Estimates of total dead range from 50 million to over 70 million.[1] The sources cited on this page document an estimated death toll in World War II of 62 to 78 million, making it the deadliest war ever. When scholarly sources differ on the number of deaths in a country, a range of war losses is given, in order to inform readers that the death toll is disputed. Civilians killed totaled from 40 to 52 million, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war.
Phill said:
BTH said:
Yes Phil, coming from someone who's never actually stood for anything apart from - ironically - your deluded Safe Standing nonsense when you were fronting it for the rags (IMUSA, as I recall) that's pretty good. And from someone who hasn't got the balls to even stand up for himself without crying wolf, it's even better. It's such a shame. I wouldn't expect you to understand much about local politics here, but when you were trawling through Google, you clearly missed out that Prestwich was solid LidDem with nine out of nine seats this time last year and therefore an unlikely win on my first outing. Or maybe you're just an aspirational, if lightweight, LibDem yourself these days? Which wouldn't surprise me TBH.

It's been a long time, but just how long will I need to keep putting you in the picture?

P.S. I'd work on spelling your Christian correctly rather than pretentiously if I were you.

Blimey, someone's a bit touchy today!
Yes that's right, I was fronting a campaign for IMUSA as they wanted to see standing at Eastlands (rolls his eyes).

Oh, that PS of yours, you want me to work on spelling my Christian correctly.....
Shurely shome mishtake?

A big well done you on spotting my accidental omission. I was a bit distracted earlier; we're not all leisurely devouring nut cutlets and fantasising over Morrissey you know!
Ronnie the Rep said:
joining the common market (sorry EEC, oh no, er EU - or is it US of Europe) been hijacked by snouting politicians and is a waste of time

I can't think of anything else that makes me so angry and feel so helpless

...and could you possibly hazard a wild guess as to which party made this possible?
Here's a clue - it was 1973,and they were led by Edward Heath.
Lads it cant be as bad as the shambles the Irish people has seen over here in the last year. May aswell burn the Irish flag and replace it with the European flag as we are being run by Europe now which is the KOing blow for most Irish people.

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