Blatter's views on racism.... from BBC


Well-Known Member
12 Oct 2009
Racism between players should be settled by a handshake, according to breaking news on BBC now ......<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:49 am --<br /><br />Fifa president Sepp Blatter has said football does not have a problem with racism, and believes any incidents should be settled by a handshake.

The Football Association is currently investigating Chelsea's John Terry, and has charged Liverpool striker Luis Suarez, over alleged racist remarks.

"There is no racism, but maybe there is a word or gesture which is not the correct one," he told CNN World Sport.

"The one affected by this should say this is a game and shake hands."

The 75-year-old's comments provoked immediate reaction, with England and Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand tweeting: "Tell me I have just read Sepp Blatter's comments on racism in football wrong....if not then I am astonished."
The sooner this fucking toss pot retires/dies the better, he's an embarrassment. For him to be the most poweful person in the most popular sport in the world is just incredible.
I think what he's trying to say is that although players may say racist things, a lot of hurtful things can be uttered in the heat of the moment. Although Suarez may have said something racist to Evra, Blatter seems to feel that Suarez isn't a racist through and through, for example.

He's still a headcase for saying that there's no problem with racism in football.

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