Blue blood: the mike doyle story

KentBlue said:
I bought a Mike Doyle book years and years ago - literally, it must have been about 30 years ago. Is this the same one or have their been a number of his books out?

Could be a re-print.

No, this is a different book. He brought out one in 1977 or so, which I didn't buy but I took out of my local library. It was called 'Manchester City - My Team', and it was part of a 'My Team' series. Lou Macari did one for United, which our local library also had but obviously I didn't read, and I think there were versions from someone at Liverpool, Spurs and so on. Basically, it involved a fairly long serving player telling the story of their career and talking a bit about their club and what made it special.

The second Doyle autobiography was produced about six years ago, at a guess, and was ghosted by David Clayton of City magazine and the MEN, who's ghost written a number of books for City figures. Clayton says he suggested the newer book to Doyle as an update, so you will get stuff about Mike's post-MCFC career at Stoke, Bolton and Rochdale, plus some stuff on his life after football, which hasn't been altogether plain sailing (he admits to having a drink problem at one stage).

It's obviously intended to be written in a forthright style which, though I've never met Mike Doyle, I can imagine reflects the way he is in person. However, the trademark 'United hater' stuff and the lambasting of 'fancy dan' Rodney Marsh (Doyle thinks Marsh was a show pony and you don't win trophies with players like that) cover ground already gone over in the first book. And the big revelation in the book was also first revealed in the 1970s effort. (I won't mention it in case anyone else hasn't read Blue Blood but wants to).

Moreover, it's slightly ironic that, after starting off vowing that he'll follow a no nonsense, 'tell it like it is' approach, a few pages in, there's a reference to a story involving a well loved City figure. In direct contravention of everything he's just promised in the book, he then refuses to say more because he doesn't want to shatter any illusions about the person involved!

Ultimately, though, the thing I found most disappointing about Blue Blood is that it actually created a negative impression in my mind of a City legend: it's entirely subjective, but to me Doyle came across as a very embittered, and not especially pleasant, man. Normally when I read an autobiography, I end up at least appreciating where the subject was coming from, even when it's someone I don't really like much. In Doyle's case, that didn't happen because of things like the rants about 'all the petty bastards' who want to see him fail and the detail given to the bizarre story about a family pet, an incident that has left him not on speaking terms with his daughter.

Finally, and I appreciate that no one save for tedious anoraks like me give a shit about this, there were a few too many mistakes. I don't just mean typos, though there were enough of them for me to find it jarring, but also several errors of fact. Rodney Marsh didn't join City from Fulham, for instance, and again I'm sad enough to be bothered by that.

Anyway, I seem to be on my own in this thread with my view of the book, so don't be put off by that. But if I were you and could dig out the seventies one, I don't think there's much you'd regret missing in the later one.

-- Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:19 pm --

BTH said:
Good book? Great book? Hardly... it's a shocker!

Bitterness runs through this book like 'Blackpool' through a stick of rock. I paid £1.99 for it in a cheap book shop, read it in an afternoon and felt cheated. While I can understand people yearning for the good old days and having their heroes, I can only assume that some people are easily pleased. Really easily pleased.

But let's have it right, there isn't one single decent biography around of any ex-City player. Hagiographies at best and shameless short run cut 'n' paste cash-ins at worst, while some haven't even been written by professional writers and some of these simply haven't bothered to employ an editor/proofreader FFS! (N.B. Spellcheckers can only do so much!)

Avoid at all costs.

I didn't see this much more succinct commentary before I bothered to post. :)
Dyed Petya said:
KentBlue said:
I bought a Mike Doyle book years and years ago - literally, it must have been about 30 years ago. Is this the same one or have their been a number of his books out?

Could be a re-print.

No, this is a different book. He brought out one in 1977 or so, which I didn't buy but I took out of my local library. It was called 'Manchester City - My Team', and it was part of a 'My Team' series. Lou Macari did one for United, which our local library also had but obviously I didn't read, and I think there were versions from someone at Liverpool, Spurs and so on. Basically, it involved a fairly long serving player telling the story of their career and talking a bit about their club and what made it special.

The second Doyle autobiography was produced about six years ago, at a guess, and was ghosted by David Clayton of City magazine and the MEN, who's ghost written a number of books for City figures. Clayton says he suggested the newer book to Doyle as an update, so you will get stuff about Mike's post-MCFC career at Stoke, Bolton and Rochdale, plus some stuff on his life after football, which hasn't been altogether plain sailing (he admits to having a drink problem at one stage).

It's obviously intended to be written in a forthright style which, though I've never met Mike Doyle, I can imagine reflects the way he is in person. However, the trademark 'United hater' stuff and the lambasting of 'fancy dan' Rodney Marsh (Doyle thinks Marsh was a show pony and you don't win trophies with players like that) cover ground already gone over in the first book. And the big revelation in the book was also first revealed in the 1970s effort. (I won't mention it in case anyone else hasn't read Blue Blood but wants to).

Moreover, it's slightly ironic that, after starting off vowing that he'll follow a no nonsense, 'tell it like it is' approach, a few pages in, there's a reference to a story involving a well loved City figure. In direct contravention of everything he's just promised in the book, he then refuses to say more because he doesn't want to shatter any illusions about the person involved!

Ultimately, though, the thing I found most disappointing about Blue Blood is that it actually created a negative impression in my mind of a City legend: it's entirely subjective, but to me Doyle came across as a very embittered, and not especially pleasant, man. Normally when I read an autobiography, I end up at least appreciating where the subject was coming from, even when it's someone I don't really like much. In Doyle's case, that didn't happen because of things like the rants about 'all the petty bastards' who want to see him fail and the detail given to the bizarre story about a family pet, an incident that has left him not on speaking terms with his daughter.

Finally, and I appreciate that no one save for tedious anoraks like me give a shit about this, there were a few too many mistakes. I don't just mean typos, though there were enough of them for me to find it jarring, but also several errors of fact. Rodney Marsh didn't join City from Fulham, for instance, and again I'm sad enough to be bothered by that.

Anyway, I seem to be on my own in this thread with my view of the book, so don't be put off by that. But if I were you and could dig out the seventies one, I don't think there's much you'd regret missing in the later one.

-- Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:19 pm --

BTH said:
Good book? Great book? Hardly... it's a shocker!

Bitterness runs through this book like 'Blackpool' through a stick of rock. I paid £1.99 for it in a cheap book shop, read it in an afternoon and felt cheated. While I can understand people yearning for the good old days and having their heroes, I can only assume that some people are easily pleased. Really easily pleased.

But let's have it right, there isn't one single decent biography around of any ex-City player. Hagiographies at best and shameless short run cut 'n' paste cash-ins at worst, while some haven't even been written by professional writers and some of these simply haven't bothered to employ an editor/proofreader FFS! (N.B. Spellcheckers can only do so much!)

Avoid at all costs.

I didn't see this much more succinct commentary before I bothered to post. :)

Cheers Peter!
shauns goat said:
Genuine City legend.

I had the pleasure of watching this guy week in and week out, BRICK WALL along with Tommy Booth & Pardoe, forwards had to be really good to get through. (Oh the memories)
I'm sure I read a Mike Doyle book a few years back and If I am correct there was a part in there regarding his hatred of utd..infact I'm sure he pretty much said it stemed from the time we won the cup winners cup and got little or no media coverage (the MEN ran a story on the back page of utd playing in an fa cup relplay if my memory serves me correct?)
Anyway, he said it was all blown out of proportion (altough not one bit a fan of them!!) infact Matt Busby even wanted to sign him (again if my memory serves me correct he was having some problems with us and it crossed his mind, but his wife said in no circumstances should he even consider joining that club for one second!!)
If I have dreamnt this then I do apologies but I'm pretty sure I did read this!

Anyway a good read imo
gazhinio said:
I'm sure I read a Mike Doyle book a few years back and If I am correct there was a part in there regarding his hatred of utd..infact I'm sure he pretty much said it stemed from the time we won the cup winners cup and got little or no media coverage (the MEN ran a story on the back page of utd playing in an fa cup relplay if my memory serves me correct?)
Anyway, he said it was all blown out of proportion (altough not one bit a fan of them!!) infact Matt Busby even wanted to sign him (again if my memory serves me correct he was having some problems with us and it crossed his mind, but his wife said in no circumstances should he even consider joining that club for one second!!)
If I have dreamnt this then I do apologies but I'm pretty sure I did read this!

Anyway a good read imo

So, you're only "sure [you] read a Mike Doyle book a few years back," but it's still a good book nevertheless!?

Well it's a good job you don't work as a book reviewer for a living!

It wasn't that long ago that someone on here recommended Eric Alexander's Please May I Have My Football Back: My Life at Manchester City with 'it's a good read' or some similar endorsement. As a result I bought it. Another waste of money I'm afraid... unless, of course, you like books which look like they have been knocked up on the author's children's PC and where the story - whenever there is one - zings about all over the show, rather than having some semblance of chronology. Since then this book has attracted three reviews on amazon, gaining a five-star review, three stars and one star but only, as the reviewer stated, "because no stars was not an option."

A book review signing off with 'a good read' inevitably means it's a poor book that should never have been printed, but I don't want to be critical and admit I've bought a pup and therefore I'll say something nice about it!

For crying out loud, it's time to take the blinkers off; let's have a bit of objectivity!
BTH said:
gazhinio said:
I'm sure I read a Mike Doyle book a few years back and If I am correct there was a part in there regarding his hatred of utd..infact I'm sure he pretty much said it stemed from the time we won the cup winners cup and got little or no media coverage (the MEN ran a story on the back page of utd playing in an fa cup relplay if my memory serves me correct?)
Anyway, he said it was all blown out of proportion (altough not one bit a fan of them!!) infact Matt Busby even wanted to sign him (again if my memory serves me correct he was having some problems with us and it crossed his mind, but his wife said in no circumstances should he even consider joining that club for one second!!)
If I have dreamnt this then I do apologies but I'm pretty sure I did read this!

Anyway a good read imo

So, you're only "sure [you] read a Mike Doyle book a few years back," but it's still a good book nevertheless!?

Well it's a good job you don't work as a book reviewer for a living!

It wasn't that long ago that someone on here recommended Eric Alexander's Please May I Have My Football Back: My Life at Manchester City with 'it's a good read' or some similar endorsement. As a result I bought it. Another waste of money I'm afraid... unless, of course, you like books which look like they have been knocked up on the author's children's PC and where the story - whenever there is one - zings about all over the show, rather than having some semblance of chronology. Since then this book has attracted three reviews on amazon, gaining a five-star review, three stars and one star but only, as the reviewer stated, "because no stars was not an option."

A book review signing off with 'a good read' inevitably means it's a poor book that should never have been printed, but I don't want to be critical and admit I've bought a pup and therefore I'll say something nice about it!

For crying out loud, it's time to take the blinkers off; let's have a bit of objectivity!

Whats your problem pal?
If you don't like the book or (any book for that matter) then fair enough.
The point I was making was I did read a Mick Doyle book, I just didn't remember the name of it...and it was a long time ago so that is why I was a bit vague on the details!
I just think your being a tosser and looking for an argument tbh, books are subjective yes? music, fashion, cars etc etc

Maybe you should buy some Nited books for your might prefer them?
gazhinio said:
BTH said:
So, you're only "sure [you] read a Mike Doyle book a few years back," but it's still a good book nevertheless!?

Well it's a good job you don't work as a book reviewer for a living!

It wasn't that long ago that someone on here recommended Eric Alexander's Please May I Have My Football Back: My Life at Manchester City with 'it's a good read' or some similar endorsement. As a result I bought it. Another waste of money I'm afraid... unless, of course, you like books which look like they have been knocked up on the author's children's PC and where the story - whenever there is one - zings about all over the show, rather than having some semblance of chronology. Since then this book has attracted three reviews on amazon, gaining a five-star review, three stars and one star but only, as the reviewer stated, "because no stars was not an option."

A book review signing off with 'a good read' inevitably means it's a poor book that should never have been printed, but I don't want to be critical and admit I've bought a pup and therefore I'll say something nice about it!

For crying out loud, it's time to take the blinkers off; let's have a bit of objectivity!

Whats your problem pal?
If you don't like the book or (any book for that matter) then fair enough.
The point I was making was I did read a Mick Doyle book, I just didn't remember the name of it...and it was a long time ago so that is why I was a bit vague on the details!
I just think your being a tosser and looking for an argument tbh, books are subjective yes? music, fashion, cars etc etc

Maybe you should buy some Nited books for your might prefer them?

Oh dear! Thought my post was self-explanatory.

No, I don't like the book and no, it's obviously not fair enough with you. Is it? Thought I might save a few fellow Blues a bit of their hard-earned instead of wasting it on an obvious cash-in...

But then I remembered, because we don't happen to agree, that yeah, I'm a big rag. Ask anyone...
BTH said:
gazhinio said:
Whats your problem pal?
If you don't like the book or (any book for that matter) then fair enough.
The point I was making was I did read a Mick Doyle book, I just didn't remember the name of it...and it was a long time ago so that is why I was a bit vague on the details!
I just think your being a tosser and looking for an argument tbh, books are subjective yes? music, fashion, cars etc etc

Maybe you should buy some Nited books for your might prefer them?

Oh dear! Thought my post was self-explanatory.

No, I don't like the book and no, it's obviously not fair enough with you. Is it? Thought I might save a few fellow Blues a bit of their hard-earned instead of wasting it on an obvious cash-in...

But then I remembered, because we don't happen to agree, that yeah, I'm a big rag. Ask anyone...

Bloody hell mate calm down, I was only pulling your leg lol!
ps who should I ask if your a rag? say anyone but surely not everybody whould know you are a rag ha ha x
gazhinio said:
BTH said:
Oh dear! Thought my post was self-explanatory.

No, I don't like the book and no, it's obviously not fair enough with you. Is it? Thought I might save a few fellow Blues a bit of their hard-earned instead of wasting it on an obvious cash-in...

But then I remembered, because we don't happen to agree, that yeah, I'm a big rag. Ask anyone...

Bloody hell mate calm down, I was only pulling your leg lol!
ps who should I ask if your a rag? say anyone but surely not everybody whould know you are a rag ha ha x

I've actually got two rag books:


Handy for settling those "our ground's always been full to capacity" pub arguments. It hasn't!


This one dishes dirt like you've never seen; every self-respecting Blue should own this one.

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