Blue Moon Playlist Review Club - Season 2 - Episode 24 - RobMCFC – Primary and Secondary Colours (pg 412)

What a week: holiday, delivering a training course at work, busy trying to sort out other things at work and a major health issue. So although I made my way through most of the list, I wasn't giving it my undivided attention.

From the original list, the KALEO and Thunder tracks were excellent. I remember Thunder's first album because we had a copy at the hospital radio station I used to work for and I made a tape of it.

Also enjoyed U2, Led Zep, Bad Company, Van Halen and Cyndi Lauper all of which I have heard before.

My initial though was that Thunder and hospital radio sounds a bit incongruous but thinking through the bits of Thunder I actually know they're quite radio friendly. I think I read somewhere that 'My Way' is the most requested hospital radio song. Hope the health issue's getting sorted.
My initial though was that Thunder and hospital radio sounds a bit incongruous but thinking through the bits of Thunder I actually know they're quite radio friendly. I think I read somewhere that 'My Way' is the most requested hospital radio song. Hope the health issue's getting sorted.
Thanks. I'll probably have an update next week or the week after, but it's not looking great - see the prostate cancer thread.
What a week: holiday, delivering a training course at work, busy trying to sort out other things at work and a major health issue. So although I made my way through most of the list, I wasn't giving it my undivided attention.

From the original list, the KALEO and Thunder tracks were excellent. I remember Thunder's first album because we had a copy at the hospital radio station I used to work for and I made a tape of it.

Also enjoyed U2, Led Zep, Bad Company, Van Halen and Cyndi Lauper all of which I have heard before.
Hope everything is ok on the health front Rob , your attention to detail and ability to walk and chew gum puts the likes of me to shame.

With my only selection I actually had you in mind because as you may recall I got to meet Peter Garrett and his now wife Doris often when he was President of the Conservation Foundation ( he has a new album album about to hit the shelves with his current band the Alter Egos ( Martin Rotsey still on guitar )) and I know he is a big fan of Masters Apprentices and was mates with the now departed lead singer Jim Keays 7 years his senior which is not well known outside his close circle of friends.

I hope you enjoyed the song but understand if you couldn't give it any time , Peter had it on his wedding list.

If you didn't I can understand based on the little I know of your tastes.

Tbf it was probably one of those that passed on the bus journey without me looking at my phone.

I remember liking the Master Apprentice track that you put on last time. I'll look out for that PG album - with Martin Rotsey on guitar, it may have a whiff of Midnight Oil.
Thanks. I'll probably have an update next week or the week after, but it's not looking great - see the prostate cancer thread.

Not a tread I willingly click on, but caught up on the last couple pages now. Hope all goes well with your health and you see steady improvement and management of it all.
Not a tread I willingly click on, but caught up on the last couple pages now. Hope all goes well with your health and you see steady improvement and management of it all.
Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Not a thread I've ventured on much tbh - I remember seeing it appear and thinking at the time that I must get the test. I always intended to get tested so it's a bit daft that I waited for a while.

I am now in the official "telling everybody to get it tested ASAP" club :)
Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Not a thread I've ventured on much tbh - I remember seeing it appear and thinking at the time that I must get the test. I always intended to get tested so it's a bit daft that I waited for a while.

I am now in the official "telling everybody to get it tested ASAP" club :)
Obviously wish you well.
Sorry to hear about your health scare Rob, hope all goes ok.
Rob, I'll add in my best wishes and prayers for you to get things addressed as you noted in that thread.

Sorry for being late to the news today, but its been a busy week at the office. I'm still not through the full playlist yet to review it, but that will be this weekend. And speaking of @BimboBob's playlist, I'm thinking of you too on the same health front.

I'd echo Rob's recommendations for those of us north of mid 40's (a good many of the active here) to stay on top of prostate testing and the colonoscopy. No fun to talk about, but early detection does help from a few of my friends and a cousin who have had similar issues.

I know this is tough for your family, and I know your strength and approach to things will help you all get through this.

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