Blue Tuesday: Lakey's question: Glass Half Empty?


Well-Known Member
14 Jul 2009
Hi All

Was at a charity 'do last night and a fan asked 'why are some fans still so pessimistic?' One guy said it simply stems from having so many managers over the last 20 years, which has bred a certain insecurity. Another lad said it's all down to the shadow cast from Stretford Rangers.

What d'you think? Why is the glass still half-empty for a lot of City fans? Would really appreciate your responses, some of which will be read out on Tuesday's show (BBC Radio Manchester, 95.1FM, 6pm).


The glass is like 4/5ths full with me. It's an amazing time to be a City fan.

I don't know what the moaners want though. Maybe they just have stupidly high expectations and want us to play like Barcelona week in-week out. It seems the results aren't enough for people, they want us to dominate every game. I don't know if these people are realistic though. Trophies and titles aren't won with spectacular performances every week. They're won by grinding out results against teams who park the bus.
A lot of City fans have'nt had any success in their lifetime so its probably them that seem more glass half empty( but thats only my opinion).

when we finally get something to celebrate ie a trophy/title then Im sure things will change..
I myself have witnessed success and my glass is always half full
Well it's understandable really, City have always had this uncanny way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. And there is always the element of luck in football and lady luck has never graced her presence at main road or COMs for that matter. (Lady luck is a RED...) I also think that after over 3 decades of being a team more used to battling relegation than not, some fans just can't get used to the idea that we are, or soon will be, in a possition to chalenge the best of the best. Also Patience isn;t some thing that comes easy to us City fans and I think that a lot of City supporters expected too much when we were taken over and became the richest club in the world. Too many people expected us to steem roll the EPL and win everything and all the media hype and opposition has only hightened the tension with them doing their upmost to drag us down to were they believe we belong.

keep the faith blues the future is bright and the world will soon be ours.
Why are City fans so pessimistic?

Well how about things like this:
We've gone on an amzing run for the last few games of the season and are within spitting distance of a UEFA Cup place. We're at home against our rivals for that place and have to beat them to get it. We're drawing but with seconds to go, we get a penalty and one of the Premiership's most deadly ever finishers steps up to take it. And it's saved.

Next season starts well and we play Bolton at home. After hitting the woodwork six or seven times, we are still goal-less as the minutes tick away. With a couple of minutes to go, under no pressure at all, your experienced captain handles the ball in his own area, gives away a penalty which is scored and you've lost a game you've completely dominated.
it's called being a manc

going back in time slightly look at the grimy city, we all know it should be the second city but for some reason that accolade is given to the brummies

take the weather, known throughout the globe as being the rainy city (ask Vidic's wife) so its dark, dank, gloomy and wet

then look at some of our greatest bands Joy Division and the Smiths, not exactly the happiest bunch around

so all in all it is steeped in our psyche to be doom merchants, from where we live, the weather we live in and the joyous music we listen to

unlike the utd fans who don't come from manchester we understand what its like to be manc and understand that if our glass is half full then anything good that comes our way is a bonus
in the shadow utd?????
why is there any other team from manchester
the last time i looked trafford was not in manchester

so manchester city is the only team to play in manchester end off
self defance mechanism. we've been built up so many times in the past only to end up with broken hearts, too many broken hearts over the years leaves my glass always half empty.
I dont really get why people are still so pessimistic, but I suspect its a case of old habits die hard from being on the rollercoaster ride that is supporting city for so long which is understandable. I think that the new owners can bring some much needed stability to the club to help put people's mind at rest.
Being satisfied is the beginning of the end. Not being happy if part of progression. We'll be complaining when we lose 4-3 to Barcelona in the Champions league Final.

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