Bluemoon Champion Tipser table final day selections

13.30 - Balder Success
14.05 - Citizenship
14.40 - Boston Bob
15.20 - Burton Port
16.00 - Cloudy Lane
1.30 Pearl Swan
2.05 Ubi Ace (how the fuck is this 25-1 at bet 365 big fancy for me)
2.40 Sea of Thunder
3.20 Long Run
4.00 Barbers Shop

44 points
13.30 - Grumeti
14.05 - Citizenship
14.40 - Boston Bob
15.20 - Kauto Star
16.00 - Merchant Royal

52 points, and thanks Leighton.
1.30 Balder Succes
2.05 Magnifique Etoile
2.40 Boston Bob
3.20 Burton Port
4.00 Salsify

Already had Balder ante post at double digit odds, though the rancid form of Alan King's stable at this festival is a negative against both him and Grumeti and means I'm also having a saver on Pearl Swan.
Gordon Elliott's Toner DOudaries looks like a but of a plot in the 4.40, having been one of the favourites for the Coral Cup. This lad knows the time of day and switched race for Sir Des Champs to stunning effect yesterday.
Kid Cassidy looks a great shout in the last.

All the very best everyone. Let's make today the Tipser day everyone picks at least one and goes home happy. Except the bookies.
Tomorrow might be St Patrick's Day, but I officially nominate this as the very first St Leighton's Day.

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