Bluemoon twitter-watch

Bluemoon members on Twitter!!

A special thread for all those on the twitter fad!!

So come on then who's on twitter?
Post ya name tag and I'll follow you... I've gotten into this twitter lark and have become a right twatter....

Blues on Twitter

get after these 2cvnts



sent buzzer this message amongst others

@mcfcbuzzer i just seen you picking up street brass. she still had a needle hanging out her arm you sick blue twat #FOE
get after these 2cvnts



sent buzzer this message amongst others

@mcfcbuzzer i just seen you picking up street brass. she still had a needle hanging out her arm you sick blue twat #FOE
Re: Blues on Twitter

yea have a look given Lescott stick, sucking up to Wio

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