Bluemoon twitter-watch

tueartsboots said:
Gary James said:
I'm on - @garyjameswriter

I try to post odd snippets, photos, cuttings, on this day type information.

Cheers Gary.
But your tweets about Gary Owens first game etc are making me feel old ! :(

Sorry! It hit me the other day when I realised that last Sunday was the 40th anniversary of my first specific City memory - Rodney Marsh's debut. I was 4 and remember being sat in the Platt Lane. Rodney was my first hero.

My parents had taken me to Maine Road from birth but Rodney's debut is the first specific memory I have of being at a game.
Gary James said:
tueartsboots said:
Gary James said:
I'm on - @garyjameswriter

I try to post odd snippets, photos, cuttings, on this day type information.

Cheers Gary.
But your tweets about Gary Owens first game etc are making me feel old ! :(

Sorry! It hit me the other day when I realised that last Sunday was the 40th anniversary of my first specific City memory - Rodney Marsh's debut. I was 4 and remember being sat in the Platt Lane. Rodney was my first hero.

My parents had taken me to Maine Road from birth but Rodney's debut is the first specific memory I have of being at a game.
Ha ha! It's ok really, just makes me think where have the years gone ! (@MCFCLondon btw-you sent me a load of flyers 2 weeks ago)
tueartsboots said:
Ha ha! It's ok really, just makes me think where have the years gone ! (@MCFCLondon btw-you sent me a load of flyers 2 weeks ago)

Thanks for the help. Got plenty more flyers for my book if any other supporters' club would like me to mail them (PM me). Cheers.

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