Bluemoon's Official Top 100 TV Shows

Stay engaged on the thread, and I’m sure the UK/Ireland based BM community will soon educate you on what the best sitcoms are. Having worked with enough Americans, I can state conclusively and without fear of contradiction, that as a nation your collective sense of humour is shite!!

OK, now you’ve done it. I think I pay pretty close attention, and whatever our collective sense of humo(u)r, the specific sense as written in Seinfeld is going to be smarter, better and funnier than an awful lot of Britcoms and US sitcoms that will rank above it — not to mention the longevity of Seinfeld. And I’m going to beat this drum over and over.
Vikings was in my list and I'm only halfway through. Pisses all over GOT in my opinion. Will definitely be going down the Norse Mythology rabbit hole once I've finished it.
I thought I watched quite a bot of telly but this thread suggest not.

I probably did watch some of Blue Planet and would happily watch Seinfeld but was never a dedicated viewer.

Crazy isn't it. I've seen a handful and they're the ones I voted for! This will definitely be a thread I keep revisiting for TV ideas when I'm lost for something to watch. Great poll this @BlueHammer85
I had Seinfeld in mine, but substituted it out at the 11th hour. I just felt that for every great episode there were two that were a bit meh. At it’s best though it was fantastic. The wanking contest, the bubble boy, and the ‘outing’ (I’ve been outed and I wasn’t even in!) were 3 of the best half hours of TV I’ve seen
Seinfeld 68th is like DeBruyne or Kompany being voted 68th on the best players ever for City list.

Now obviously I wouldn't expect over-the-ponders to be as familiar with it as Yanks, nor to pick up on all the subtleties that are uniquely American, and New Yorkian (even though it was filmed in LA) -- there's a lot of baseball humo(u)r, e.g. But still -- somehow the Young Ones and Cheers are going to be ahead of Seinfeld, to name two off the top of my head, and while both are good IMO, neither holds a candle to Seinfeld.

Out of 180 episodes (180!), there are going to be a few that are meh, especially early ones. But at least one-third of the episodes are brilliant, and most of the rest are very good and very funny.
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The Red Riding Trilogy was superb, especially the first film. Every character in it is portrayed as corrupt or tainted to a greater or lesser degree, and the allusions to fallen angels, with the bleak landscape of North Yorkshire serving as a cypher for the earth after The Fall of mankind made me wonder whether either David Peace or someone else involved in the project had been reading St Augustine (who perversely believed that all the shit we endure in life is a punishment from God imposed on us all collectively).
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