Board of RBS


Well-Known Member
19 Apr 2007
\o/ EASY /o\ EASY \o/ EASY /o\ '09 Ashes Champion
Am i missing something, or do these bankers need a really good kicking?

How do they justify bonuses when they've fucked up the domestic and international economy and are magority owned by the tax payer who saved thier jobs?

It makes no sense, so surely i'm missing something, right?
The only thing you are missing is that literally don't give a fuck what you, I or anyone else thinks. Legislation is required I'm afraid, it's not the solution to every problem but these fuckers have an inability to self-regulate fuelled by personal greed and lack of morals.
They are living in a dream world, I hope the government calls their bluff, the board will have to resign, yeah sure they are going to do that! Even better they can have their bonus but any amount over £5000 is taxed at 99%.
Don't we own 70% of the bank?

Now if 'we' don't pay them their bonus, they'll resign. The irresponsible board of directors who got the bank into such a mess will resign....

....and that's a bad thing why?! :o)
They got a big bonus last year and the year before.It is a myth that the bankers stopped getting them.I know 4 people who all work in and around the City and theirs never stopped.
I'd love to work in a job where i'm irresponsible and greedy, fail morally and figuratively, get bailed out therefore saving my job, my carreer and my family... All whilst being paid a bonus on top of my extortionate wage.

What exactly is the criteria for thier "bonus"?
GStar said:
I'd love to work in a job where i'm irresponsible and greedy, fail morally and figuratively, get bailed out therefore saving my job, my carreer and my family... All whilst being paid a bonus on top of my extortionate wage.

What exactly is the criteria for thier "bonus"?

One of my mates has certain targets to hit(he's not in high street banking but some sort of off-shore stock thing).Hits a target...bonus time.

My cousin got a bonus a few years ago at christmas for hitting his targets of 50k.A sort of mid term thank you.
BimboBob said:
GStar said:
I'd love to work in a job where i'm irresponsible and greedy, fail morally and figuratively, get bailed out therefore saving my job, my carreer and my family... All whilst being paid a bonus on top of my extortionate wage.

What exactly is the criteria for thier "bonus"?

One of my mates has certain targets to hit(he's not in high street banking but some sort of off-shore stock thing).Hits a target...bonus time.

My cousin got a bonus a few years ago at christmas for hitting his targets of 50k.A sort of mid term thank you.

Is that investing "X" amount and making 50k profit? Or is that obtaining 50k worth of assets from clients?

Either way its a crooked bonus system.
GStar said:
BimboBob said:
One of my mates has certain targets to hit(he's not in high street banking but some sort of off-shore stock thing).Hits a target...bonus time.

My cousin got a bonus a few years ago at christmas for hitting his targets of 50k.A sort of mid term thank you.

Is that investing "X" amount and making 50k profit? Or is that obtaining 50k worth of assets from clients?

Either way its a crooked bonus system.

1st one i would think mate as it was just a normal job.Buying and selling and making the bank he worked for profits.He's good at his job so got the bonus.I'll get him to ring you...he's that good the blue cardie will be mine within minutes!

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