Board of RBS

What you're all missing is this; RBS made a huge profit this year. The talented people who made millions for this bank should be rewarded accordingly. These people are talented and hard working and if RBS did not pay the bonuses then another bank would.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
What you're all missing is this; RBS made a huge profit this year. The talented people who made millions for this bank should be rewarded accordingly. These people are talented and hard working and if RBS did not pay the bonuses then another bank would.

Yeah, I heard that argument before. I thought it was a load of bollocks then and I have heard little to change my mind. Were it not for the tax payer they wouldn't exist and would have to work for another bank anyway so how about a bit of gratitude and use the huge profit to repay their debt to the country.
BimboBob said:
1st one i would think mate as it was just a normal job.Buying and selling and making the bank he worked for profits.He's good at his job so got the bonus.I'll get him to ring you...he's that good the blue cardie will be mine within minutes!

Haha, it'll take a hell of bonus to take that off me! ;)

If thats the same for the bigger investment banks such as RBS, then, as you said they've had bonuses the past two years... something doesn't add up.

I hope the guys at the top of the big banks do resign, i hope they are brought into the public domain and i hope they're made to feel uncomfortable about thier actions. Its not like they'd struggle without thier bonuses and if they've managed thier own money probably (hey it is thier job after all!) i'd guess most will be financially set for life anyway.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
What you're all missing is this; RBS made a huge profit this year. The talented people who made millions for this bank should be rewarded accordingly. These people are talented and hard working and if RBS did not pay the bonuses then another bank would.

So what about thier bonuses when every were being bailed out by taxpayers? The holiday retreats on bail out money?

Why not just regulate the amount of bonus (if any) in the entire sector?

These people, imo, shouldn't be rewarded for making a 'few million' having cost the country many billions.
GStar said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
What you're all missing is this; RBS made a huge profit this year. The talented people who made millions for this bank should be rewarded accordingly. These people are talented and hard working and if RBS did not pay the bonuses then another bank would.

So what about thier bonuses when every were being bailed out by taxpayers? The holiday retreats on bail out money?

Why not just regulate the amount of bonus (if any) in the entire sector?

These people, imo, shouldn't be rewarded for making a 'few million' having cost the country many billions.

They have not, it was a GLOBAL recession, the people that the media are now trying demonise are the cream of the crop and deserve every penny they get.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
GStar said:
So what about thier bonuses when every were being bailed out by taxpayers? The holiday retreats on bail out money?

Why not just regulate the amount of bonus (if any) in the entire sector?

These people, imo, shouldn't be rewarded for making a 'few million' having cost the country many billions.

They have not, it was a GLOBAL recession, the people that the media are now trying demonise are the cream of the crop and deserve every penny they get.

I think you meant the cream of the crap. I refuse to stoop to 'all bankers are wankers' behaviour but if ever there was a profession that had proved itself unable to govern, regulate and police itself then it is the Financial Services industry.
Sultana of Brunei said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
They have not, it was a GLOBAL recession, the people that the media are now trying demonise are the cream of the crop and deserve every penny they get.

I think you meant the cream of the crap. I refuse to stoop to 'all bankers are wankers' behaviour but if ever there was a profession that had proved itself unable to govern, regulate and police itself then it is the Financial Services industry.

Or our 'lovely' public sector numpties....Were you people so eager to bash these people when your house were going up 5k per month, or when you needed to remortgage, or borrow a few quid???

Let he without sin cast the first stone!
BimboBob said:
They got a big bonus last year and the year before.It is a myth that the bankers stopped getting them.I know 4 people who all work in and around the City and theirs never stopped.
They don't work for the same bank as me then!
Ours stopped last year, never to return. And no pay rises any more.
And redundancies coming up in Feb (of which I hope I will be one, get me out of here!)
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
GStar said:
So what about thier bonuses when every were being bailed out by taxpayers? The holiday retreats on bail out money?

Why not just regulate the amount of bonus (if any) in the entire sector?

These people, imo, shouldn't be rewarded for making a 'few million' having cost the country many billions.

They have not, it was a GLOBAL recession, the people that the media are now trying demonise are the cream of the crop and deserve every penny they get.

You've not really addressed what i was saying, or clarified your own stance.

So what if it was a global recession? It was the greed of the entire sector that caused this crash. Since we live int he UK, and there currently isn't a worldwide government or a worldwide law with which to abide by, we can only affect the future actions domestically.

Therefore, can you clarify these points for me:

1. Why were these "talented" people being paid bonuses as they fucked up the economy and lost absurd amounts of money?
2. Why do they deserve bonuses when thier wage alone gives them not just a stable but a comfortable if not luxury lifestyle?
3. We're still in recession, the banks haven't made back what they lost, so why do they deserve to reward employees?
Only give 'em a small bonus if they can get the share price off its arse

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