Boateng to Bayern

BlueCityfan said:
LoveCity said:
Ned has said he wants to stay even after being left out of USA squad.

How many players do you get comments like this from now?

“I think I’ve been blessed and privileged to be able to play for my home-town club so many times.

“I’d love to stay and fight, and until someone tells me to jog on then I’ll keep trying.”

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ity-future</a>

Commitment doesn't matter if you simply aren't good enough.
If Mancini can do with him what he's done with Richards, Kompany and Lescott then I think he has the potential to get in our 1st team... Or at least become a very useful squad player, as he can also play RB...

But unfortunately I don't think Mancini has any interest in Nedum, and he will eventually go on to have a decent career for a mid table/top 8 team.
Ticket For Schalke said:
Regarding Ned, If we was fighting relagation would he be desperate to jump ship, or does he know he will only move to a mediocre side, so this is has last chance to be at a huge club, Doesnt wash.
Football is war and your either with us or against us, you do not supply your enemy with ammunition be it on a Saturday morning kids programme or not, don't get me wrong I like the lad but I'll wager two thirds of these players who have mouthed off about Mancini will one day regret it, when they look back?
BlueCityfan said:
LoveCity said:
BlueCityfan said:
Commitment doesn't matter if you simply aren't good enough.

Depends how you determine "good enough". Until Sunderland's slump he was one of the top five RBs in the league last season and he isn't even a natural RB.


CL quality. Im sure Onuoha wants to play. But he wouldn't do that at City. Now with Clichy in the squad.

Onuoha would be even less of a use because Rchards and Zabba are both fully focused on playing RB. Leaving Onuoha at 3rd choice.

I watched Onuoha alot last season and one thing i noticed is that he cuts inside way too much while playing RB. And doesn't run down the flank. Something Mancini wouldn't like.

And at CB...we have plenty of options there and Onuoha isn't a top CB. There is honestly only one option for him to save his career. To leave for another premier league club.

I wonder if he is fighting a lost battle when he says that he wants to fight for his place. Because it's clear that he isn't in Mancinis plans. And he has to accept that.

From his quotes in the article, it sounds like he's resolved to leaving but still wants to keep his options open with regards to the club by putting it out there that he's willing to stay and be professional about it. I think we should keep him as part of our club trained list of players for the season.
he does look like humpty for digital underground

I see he isn't in the team to play ac tonight. Niceone jerome, I see they have sussed your crap already (unless your injured, then they can discover your crap in a few months)
Just came off the bench... as a right-back!

Put in a nice low cross just now that was cut out.

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