Boxing day hunt

substitute peasant for fox and give tories a hard-on/damp gusset,

I remember watching an episode of sharpe where they pretended to be recruits and are hunted across marshes for sport by the militia, I thought it was just dramatic liscence, bit the auhthor said it was from real accounts of peasants who left service being hunted like rabbits and at times wounded or killed
How does she know they are Tory party supporters?

Honestly social media like this is killing this country and making people hate each other.
This is the bit I find all rather unneccessary in all reporting. Whether they are Tory supporting or not is completely irrelevant to fox hunting and only succeeds in polarising dabate once again. The implication presumablty being that, if you are a Tory, you must support fox hunting. This is patently and demostrably, not true.
With the shoe on the other foot, so to speak, there is also a story doing the rounds about a lawyer who has killed a fox with a baseball bat in his London garden. This is now being reported as 'anti-Brexit lawyer murders fox.' Again, what does his political persuasion matter and why is it relevant?
This is the bit I find all rather unneccessary in all reporting. Whether they are Tory supporting or not is completely irrelevant to fox hunting and only succeeds in polarising dabate once again. The implication presumablty being that, if you are a Tory, you must support fox hunting. This is patently and demostrably, not true.
With the shoe on the other foot, so to speak, there is also a story doing the rounds about a lawyer who has killed a fox with a baseball bat in his London garden. This is now being reported as 'anti-Brexit lawyer murders fox.' Again, what does his political persuasion matter and why is it relevant?

He was a very vocal remainer and is refered to as anti-brexit quite a bit, I don't think his fox bashing has owt to do with it.

He could have give a kitten to an ophan and anti-brexit lawyer would still have been written
You’ve got to be a right dick head to dress up like that and enjoy ripping an innocent animal to death.

I’ve heard the argument from farmers that foxes will kill entire chicken farms and then only eat one and I’m for culling animals when they become to overpopulated and cause damage but ripping them to shreds with dogs doesn’t sit right with me.

Can’t they do this another way? Can they not pretend to hunt a fox and hunt the scent or do so without killing the thing in that manner?

It’s the same as bull fighting in Spain, cruelty shouldn’t be sport.
Tell that to the millions of anglers that seem to think it’s ok to hook a fish, pull it out of the water, let it suffocate for a while as you weigh it, photo it, brag about it, then release it.

cos of course, fish don’t feel pain is what they’ll tell you!
I do think that the image of people who go hunting as being all Tory and all rich posh twats shows an ignorance of the facts. I live in the county there is a hunt near here and most who ride or follow it are working or middle class at best. My sister-in-law is a humble hairdresser and she has followed it for years. Its a countryside institution which does bring work and money into the economy but is also a social club for like minded individuals. The only issue I have with it is the ideals of those like minded individuals are warped and don't belong in 2020 Britain however just as Blair pulled out the foxhunting ban to appease his supporters when he needed to ( Iraq war ) I have no doubt if something starts to go tits up for Johnson ( Brexit ) he will happily move to repeal the ban if it appeases his side.

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