We should so more to make the old Viking Call more powerful like it used to be in 80s. Nowadays it's the 'C-iiii-ty, the best team in the land and all the world' but back in late 70s and 80s we focused more on the 'C-iiiiii-ty' bit and the second part we just hummed the tune. I think we should of course keep the second part but the beauty of the first bit was that it could be dragged out for some time to make it a more powerful C-------------------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......ty. I've been at games where the Kippax kept it going for ages and it intimidated the opposition. Away games worked well when we were on an open bank, like Oldham. It's an easy chant; everyone can join in and it's unique. It was our chant, no one else's.