Britain First

I didn't bother watching tonight but I did watch last nights "Is Britain Racist?" It appeared to be made by children and was probably aired about 6 hours too late.

I get your point but i think it was done by adults to be inclusive so the people that were filmed and other right wingers could understand it all and that is why it came over simple and child like.
BBC 3, 9pm, "we want our country back".
I'm switched off already. That tagline is bullshit. If it wasn't for immigrants this country wouldn't even exist. Romans, Normans, vikings, even the Queen came from German heritage. Small minded fucking halfwits and I've not even watched, nor do I plan to. Why lower my already shaky understanding of them by portraying that kind of idiocy on the fucking tv? My own nonna is from sicily. Came here in the fifties after growing up with mussolini. Does she count? Britain first, right? Bullshit
I'm switched off already. That tagline is bullshit. If it wasn't for immigrants this country wouldn't even exist. Romans, Normans, vikings, even the Queen came from German heritage. Small minded fucking halfwits and I've not even watched, nor do I plan to. Why lower my already shaky understanding of them by portraying that kind of idiocy on the fucking tv? My own nonna is from sicily. Came here in the fifties after growing up with mussolini. Does she count? Britain first, right? Bullshit

Invaders not immigrants. No time for the xenophobic fuckwits and racist pricks though.
Invaders not immigrants. No time for the xenophobic fuckwits and racist pricks though.
After the invaders "conquered", the more gentle of the population followed after. So the majority after invasion were normal people, not warriors.

My ultimate hero is David Attenborough. But in the top three is Edward the first. He went to France, came back with his wife elanor and redefined England. Beat back the Welsh tribes, fought the Scottish and ultimately came to a resolution resulting in the union Jack and uk as we know it.

Part of the reason he could do that is because he knew Latin. A foriegn language that many couldn't understand never mind read or write.

And he learnt it in France.

The statement "we were born here" really needs to get traced back. When? Where? Who? Can moronic people really need to go back that far? Does it matter? Imho, hell no. I'm not 100% English. Biologically. But none of us are. There is no such thing. It's an ambiguous aim made by knuckle dragging shitheads.

Like to see any one of them try to put me on a boat to... er.... hmm.... Antarctica?
Invaders not immigrants. No time for the xenophobic fuckwits and racist pricks though.
If it wasn't for invaders this country would exist it would be the world's biggest forest wildlife reserve with bears and wolves roaming the woodlands of the most beautiful place on earth.

As someone of Celtic and Briton descent I have never seen any factual evidence that we engaged in any sort of invasion!
You're quite right Ken, they are a shower. However, that was the most biased and one sided pile of shit I've ever seen. If they're going to show a programme about far right extremists, then at least air one about the lunatics standing outside mosques in North London preaching hate and intolerance.
It's too much to expect balance from the BBC.

The programme was about that particular pair of extremists and not extremists in general so why should they?

Anyways, what a pair of busy, thick, hate mongerers. The filmaker didn't need to make any 'snide remarks' as you claim, the two gobby fuckers made themselves look like the pricks they are all on their own.
Best one i saw was them all kicking off about "Sharia Coke", thinking coca cola were making coke halal or something. Turns out they just read the website address wrong, it was "". Absolutely true.
Best one i saw was them all kicking off about "Sharia Coke", thinking coca cola were making coke halal or something. Turns out they just read the website address wrong, it was "". Absolutely true.
That's fucking funny. Idiots. Now I'm about to find out about the "furst" stuff. Could do with a further laugh.

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