Burnley fans in boxes

ell said:
McFc TiLi I dIe said:
i was there in 201 i few rows in front of it yea people did get pissed off but it is all about the bantar if u cant take it dont give it out and we were giving it out when we went 3-2 up
Yeah mate I understand coz I was on the back row giving them pure shit back, but looking back on it, it could quite easily have got out of hand and then no doubt its the city fans that get treated like shit

Yeh, I see where your coming from and I don't even disagree, but I'm not gonna' criticise 'em cus I woulda been the same :)
ell said:
Got quite hostile in 201 today with a load of Burnley fans going mental after the goals.

I can understand them being there and would probably do the same but cheering and jumping up and down is disrespectfull IMO and all they were doing was aggravating the city fans.

Ah quick "Yesss" is fine but jumping up and down like youve just won the lottery is not on when surrounded by blues and everyones a bit pissed off.

You can understand their elation ...... they've not seen their side even win a single away point (until today) ...... and they've only seen a their side score a couple of away goals all season (again until today) ........ you can't blame them for going overboard ........ it's our weak defence we need to ask questions of , not them enthusiastically celebrating!
kinky7 said:
We had 4 of them in 306 shouting abuse at everyone.Stewards said they could do nothing about it.lol

Rubbish! Stewards have to remove away fans from home areas for their own safety. They can be re-located if there are seats available in the away end, or ejected from the stadium if not.

As for boxes fans are told how they are expected to behave especially if in opposition areas and can also be ejected if likely to provoke a reaction that could lead to trouble.
ell said:
McFc TiLi I dIe said:
i was there in 201 i few rows in front of it yea people did get pissed off but it is all about the bantar if u cant take it dont give it out and we were giving it out when we went 3-2 up
Yeah mate I understand coz I was on the back row giving them pure shit back, but looking back on it, it could quite easily have got out of hand and then no doubt its the city fans that get treated like shit

You would have only been treated like shit if acted like a ****, and if you cant handel it you would have been no fuckin good in the kippax.
I was in a box on Saturday and I will give you a first hand impression of how it gets out of hand and mishandled.

Yes there were three Burnley fans in our box, two of them behaved well, one, a gent of around 60 did jump up and wave his hands about to celebrate. He was an old man that had been supporting them through thick and thin for 40 years, He was made up with the way his team was playing that is all. We told him if they scored again however to go into the box out of sight as it could be taken the wrong way. Purely and simply the occasion got the better of him and he was just excited, nothing more.

This as well as a few other Burnley fans standing when a goal went in meant that he was singled out for an absolute onslaught of abuse.

In a box further down, a life long city fan and the father of one of the clubs senior staff was called every name under the son (you fat **** etc for about 50 minutes of the game because he was singled out as a Burnley fan. He tried to explain and was given even more abuse. When City went in front they then appologised? so it seems they knew he was a blue anyway but wanted to take out the result on someone, Please tell what is that really all about?
Yep can't believe people can be that over sensitive. I'd've been going mad too. I also was very angry when we were behind but so what. It's the same on the terraces.
We have our singing section next to the away fans for the reason of being able to give it to them , so why's it different in the boxes?
It's just as likely to wind up City fans when they're singing who are you when next to us in the stands.
Like has been said if we can't take it don't give it. Or shall we have grounds of silence and gentle applause when we score.

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