cage fighting cross dressers floor drunken yobs

TheMightyQuinn said:
scottyboi said:
it prob beer and sniff mate.

No excuse, I've been coked up and full of pissy beer but managed to not hit anyone. These people need their faces setting on fire, pretty sure after that they'll adopt a new outlook on life and be nicer people for it.

no they wont. Loads of people get twatted but still persist in being knob heads. Its not that there beered up or sniffed off their tits , its because they are knob heads full stop
scottyboi said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
No excuse, I've been coked up and full of pissy beer but managed to not hit anyone. These people need their faces setting on fire, pretty sure after that they'll adopt a new outlook on life and be nicer people for it.

no they wont. Loads of people get twatted but still persist in being knob heads. Its not that there beered up or sniffed off their tits , its because they are knob heads full stop

I think you'd find they lose a lot of their swagger with horrific facial burns.
that scrote deserved it. not sure about his fat mate though. it looked like he was trying to pull his shirtless mate away then got twatted for his troubles! ha.
Local paper went to town on it.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ticle.html</a>
after seeing the full footage there i take it all back about his fat mate. cnut deserved it as well.
Named and shamed!! Good enough for the pissed up chavvy fuckers! Even their solicitor was struggling to make a case for them;
" know it cannot have been a good night when you get into a fight with Spiderman and two cross-dressing men."
The cagefighters are just as bad as the troublemakers, they should know better. They are trained fighters and could have killed the lad, I don't think they should be made heroes they should be nicked for it.

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