Cameron suggests cutting housing benefit

I think claims could be reduced with the right actions from a strong government.Whoever is right or wrong the fact remains that the young people of this country are getting fooked left right and centre they are easy targets and someone needs to make the changes now or we will lose a generation to piss about government policies.
intheknow! said:
Lucky13 said:
intheknow! said:

It amazes me how people will vote against their own economic interests. I actually don't fully blame Thatcher and her ilk, they are free to have their ideology and at anytime she and her party could've been voted out of office. Probably the biggest failure was that of the Labour party and left wing politics. During Thatcher's disastrous Premiership, the left failed to articulate and have a Leader that could genuinely get a majority (under our system anyway) or rally people around social democratic politics. Unfortunately millions of working class people suffered the consequences and they and their children/grandchildren still are today.

I personally am a socialist and I believe in the German economic model and I think the UK should integrate more into the European way then the current obsession with the American economy. I'm really encouraged with the direction the Labour party is moving in. The appointment of Jon Cruddas by Ed Miliband will hopefully see some genuinely social democratic policies being put to the electorate.

As a socialist do you think working class people should own their own homes?

LOL! Of course I do. 'All property is left' and confiscation of wealth ideology is actually anarchist/communist not socialist. The real problem now is that working class people don't have a chance of owning property such as housing because of the failure to build enough to meet demand, has resulted in vastly inflated prices and lack of available mortgages due to the banking crisis and recession.

I actually should've said I'm a Social Democrat. I believe in the advancement of working class people and everyone apart from the wealthiest elites. I believe in equality, the best societies are the ones that are the most equal. If you look at the Scandanavian model and the German or Dutch economic models, I believe they deliver the best outcomes for all. America and Britain are two of the most unequal Countries in the world, with wealth going from bottom to top, not the other way around.

Don't let the media brainwash about 'evil socialism', where they always invoke the fmr Soviet Union to disuade anyone from voting in their own interests or at least make people vote for the continuation of failed economic policies.

How can you believe equality for everyone and then state "except for" it's a contradiction.

As for media brainwash , thanks but i'm not 14.
SWP's back said:
Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
Don't know how anyone can argue with that. Good idea I think. Just shocked Thatcher hasn't been blamed.

Edit: On no, she has, hadn't seen Law74 had posted.

Because this assumes the idea that there is a "right way" of living life, which is incredibly arrogant, presumptuous and downright offensive. What is "right" for an 18 year old kid on a council estate will not be "right" for a 23 year old living in Bowden, and vice versa.

No, everyone can live how they wish, it's just that those that wish to have children and not work will have to fund themselves as opposed to relying on the taxpayer to do it and rightly so.
What an outrageously offensive thread. I can't be fucked to read it all.

Do you have solid figures to back up your claims?
intheknow! said:
SWP's back said:
Mike D said:
Thatcher who created this culture of benefits when she closed down the mines
Fuck me, how many million did they employ?

A lot but it wasn't just the mines.

Thatcher's de-Industrialisation policy targeted ship building, car manufacturing etc (the clue is Industry). The full works. How can you not know this? I thought you support Thatcher, no?
No I don't support Thatcher and I've never voted Tory.

My post was a joke (at the simplicity of it all being down to the mines) after your verbose post a few pages back that gave a more detailed breakdown of the Thatcher years.
intheknow! said:
i kne albert davy said:
deynaskaz said:
If we are resting our hopes on Ed Milliband we are well up the creek without a paddle.
Unfortunately i fear your right talk about picking the wrong brother he makes Michael Foot and his duffel coat look dynamic.

Don't be so sure. It will be almost impossible for the Conservatives to win a majority. No governing party has ever increased it's share of the vote in subsequent elections. Cameron failed to win a majority last time and only got 36% of the vote, so history shows he is unlikely to increase that. The spectacular collapse of the Lib Dems means about 30% have come 'home to Labour' already, so the minimum Labour will get will be around 35%. The way the votes are distributed means that Labour has an inbuilt advantage. This is because Conservatives pile up votes in their traditional heartlands where as Labour's votes is more dispersed meaning that if Labour and the Tories had the same percentage of the vote Labour would actually have a few more seats. Also the Conservatives are becoming a Southern English party. They will have large losses in Northern England, Wales and they only have 1 MP left in Scotland anyway. The next election will be the easiest for Labour to win than at anytime since the SDP split.
Ah just read your a Miss soon to be missus so i'll over look the odd slight factual error here as your probably weren't around in 1982 if you think no governing party ever increased its majority.I and many others had to suffer the Engineering redundancy parties that followed.
prairiemoon said:
SWP's back said:
Damocles said:
Because this assumes the idea that there is a "right way" of living life, which is incredibly arrogant, presumptuous and downright offensive. What is "right" for an 18 year old kid on a council estate will not be "right" for a 23 year old living in Bowden, and vice versa.

No, everyone can live how they wish, it's just that those that wish to have children and not work will have to fund themselves as opposed to relying on the taxpayer to do it and rightly so.
What an outrageously offensive thread. I can't be fucked to read it all.

Do you have solid figures to back up your claims?
What claims? An if it's offensive then go and watch antiques roadshow, I'll not miss you.
Lucky13 said:
intheknow! said:
Lucky13 said:
As a socialist do you think working class people should own their own homes?

LOL! Of course I do. 'All property is left' and confiscation of wealth ideology is actually anarchist/communist not socialist. The real problem now is that working class people don't have a chance of owning property such as housing because of the failure to build enough to meet demand, has resulted in vastly inflated prices and lack of available mortgages due to the banking crisis and recession.

I actually should've said I'm a Social Democrat. I believe in the advancement of working class people and everyone apart from the wealthiest elites. I believe in equality, the best societies are the ones that are the most equal. If you look at the Scandanavian model and the German or Dutch economic models, I believe they deliver the best outcomes for all. America and Britain are two of the most unequal Countries in the world, with wealth going from bottom to top, not the other way around.

Don't let the media brainwash about 'evil socialism', where they always invoke the fmr Soviet Union to disuade anyone from voting in their own interests or at least make people vote for the continuation of failed economic policies.

How can you believe equality for everyone and then state "except for" it's a contradiction.

As for media brainwash , thanks but i'm not 14.

Sorry, where did I say 'except for'? Your reply makes no sense.
intheknow! said:
Lucky13 said:
intheknow! said:
LOL! Of course I do. 'All property is left' and confiscation of wealth ideology is actually anarchist/communist not socialist. The real problem now is that working class people don't have a chance of owning property such as housing because of the failure to build enough to meet demand, has resulted in vastly inflated prices and lack of available mortgages due to the banking crisis and recession.

I actually should've said I'm a Social Democrat. I believe in the advancement of working class people and everyone apart from the wealthiest elites. I believe in equality, the best societies are the ones that are the most equal. If you look at the Scandanavian model and the German or Dutch economic models, I believe they deliver the best outcomes for all. America and Britain are two of the most unequal Countries in the world, with wealth going from bottom to top, not the other way around.

Don't let the media brainwash about 'evil socialism', where they always invoke the fmr Soviet Union to disuade anyone from voting in their own interests or at least make people vote for the continuation of failed economic policies.

How can you believe equality for everyone and then state "except for" it's a contradiction.

As for media brainwash , thanks but i'm not 14.

Sorry, where did I say 'except for'?

sorry , "apart from" , exclusion neither the less.
SWP's back said:
Oh ignore me then, what I said was true when I worked in underwriting, but that was over a decade ago whilst still at Uni. If it's changed then fuck them the money grabbing cunts. (though after my theft claim a few years back I am still up about £20k overall).

Edit: Just looked, Admiral's "record" profits were 13.9% of turnover. Cunts. Though still not a massive increase on what was seen as good when I was there (the 4-8% I meantioned earlier).

Lmao finally you get it.

Seriously man I'm paying nearly £400 more a year now in car insurance than I did four and a half years ago when I first started to drive. I've also gone form a 1.4lt engine when I started out driving to a 1.2lt, have four years no claims and no points on my license but its nearly £400 fucking dearer. It makes no fucking sense to me at all, they're just robbing bastards in my eyes.

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