Carlos hands in transfer request

What happens if he turns round and says he wants to retire? Does he owe us compensation for the remainder of the contract?
Benarbia said:
What is weird in the statement from Tevez is why the fook should he even be having any sort of relationship with the board, his job starts and end on the pitch not in any boardrooms

Outside promises " perhaps " that were made by Marwood and Cook to Tevez either upon him coming here or when they met in the summer when he first officially by all accounts Benarbia told the club he wanted to leave.

They could be financial or they could involve other important matters to Tevez or requirements he stipulated upon signing that were signed off on by both parties.

We don't know what was promised if anything at all and probably never will.

We including Marwood and Cook would have known that Tevez has a poor track record when it comes to honouring contracts and perhaps the wealth we have can also while being our best friend can also be our worst enemy at times especially when it comes to signing footballers who put their own interests well ahead of the club , the supporters and even their family it seems on numerous occasions.

I am disappointed that the dirty linen has been aired and the timing of it is poor as well but along with some of the other characters we still have at the club I hope our decision makers from the board down are realising that with money comes a whole new set of situations that you have to be able to manage effectively and efficiently if you are to progress.

I would not be too far off the mark in saying we were not Tevez's first or even second choice when it came to his next club after Ferguson offered him as much as he could both on and off the field but could never gain his respect but money talks.

You wonder sometimes what really does make the likes of Tevez want to get out of bed whenever he does and motivate him to come to Coms when all is said and done.
b3nb1rd said:
Swap deal for Benzema?
It will piss salty lips Ferguson right off.

I'd be happy with that. Benzema is a class player. Watched him many times with Lyon before he moved.
Plus, as you say, it is a slap in the face for Bacon Chops
If he retires we can sue him for "Losses" due to his failure to fufill his contract and lost transfer fee.

This really wont happen it would ruin him. Never happens with top players like this in their prime, only for serious injury.
Im gutted and shocked, maybe we will be able to change his mind and if he does i dont think we should be giving him grief, he's not said a bad word about us fans. BUT he is replaceable Benzema, Torres, Dzeko even calling back Bellamy may be a good option because imo we need 1 player thats going to put 110% in to every game.
Lets be clear there is no chance Tevez will play for us again its gone much too far for that. This has been a massive disruption for the club at a crucial moment.

For me get rid of him and Adebayor for that matter. Swap Adebayor for Benzema. Sell Tevez for £40 - £50 million to Barca or Real. Sign Dezko for £35 milion and Carol for £20 million or part ex rsc, bridge, swp etc as part of the deal if Fatley is willing to pay their wages.
AntonDonJuan said:
Project said:
I think there is a 4th option - Mancini will continue to play him.
Fuck that it's not worth the hassle

Mancini is on the hook for getting us into the CL. Unless told otherwise I am certain he will play him.
Always wondered with all the goals & effort why I couldn't really warm to him. Now I know, isn't really a blue, Let him retire & keep hold of his registration, no fee no reprisals (we can afford not to recoup the transfer fee). Best result for City, no wages & no player coming back to haunt us!

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