CFG Expansion | Başakşehir to join? (p70)

Also on CFG, this is worth noting:

When I read this on Saturday, it was the first mention I'd seen of a new company in the structure - City Football Group (Midco) Limited. I went through its filings with the registrar of companies and what I diuscovered was as follows:
  • it was incorporated in May this year;
  • in July, it registered two charges, an action showing it had become a party to security agreements relating to the financial arrangements of its sole shareholder, the parent company City Football Group Limited; and
  • six directors were appointed on 14 September this year, all of them directors of the parent company, as is John Macbeath, who was already a director upon incorporation.
Stefan says it's now the holding company for MCFC, which would mean there's been some kind of group reorganisation recently beyond simply a new group company being created. And the fact that they've given the company the authority to raise over GBP 817 million of new share capital also suggests that something is going on - especially as we're talking about a level below the group's ultimate holding company.

If anyone wants to dig around some out more, follow the respective links to the publicly available information held at Companies House for City Football Group Limited and City Football Group (Midco) Limited.

One point of interest is that the board of Midco comprises the entire board of the parent company bar one. The big-hitters are there - including Khaldoon, Simon Pearce, Marty Edelman, Egon Durban (co-CEO of Silverlake), and Abdulla Khouri (the events expert from Abu Dhabi, who chairs the company operating the Yas F1 circuit and the Emirate's leading music, sports, and entertainment events company). That seems to indicate we're dealing with a company of genuine substance, not just a minor subsidiary. Interestingly, missing is Ruigang Li, the representative of the Chinese shareholder CMC Holdings Limited, though he remains on the board of the parent company.

So, what's going on? With CFG currently engaged as an equal partner in the construction of the largest indoor arena in Europe and a USD 800 investment forthcoming on NYC FC's stadium, the obvious temptation is to ascribe the most likely reason to something relating to infrastructure development. The sum is simply too big to reflect the company wanting to create an opportunity to issue shares in the event of some vague and as-yet-unknown future need.

Another wrinkle is Li alone not being a director but remaining on the board of City Football Group Limited. Does this suggest that the Chinese shareholder is interested in CFG in general as a global business but not especially in whatever Midco will be doing? Or, especially given the dilution of its stake when Silverlake came on board, are we seeing the Chinese investor gradually slip away from the venture?

We simply don't have enough information to make even an educated guess as to what may be happening. It's probably therefore futile to speculate further, but better instead to keep a watching brief on events. For those, like me, who are football business nerds, it promises all to be very interesting and, potentially, extremely exciting.

Aside from these big developments and investment from CFG, Mubadala are keen to get in on the act as well....

Mubadala Capital are investing just short of $1billion for 20% of the Brazilian league commercial rights.
Seems CFG and Mubadala/UAE continue to see a big future for football related investments.

Aside from these big developments and investment from CFG, Mubadala are keen to get in on the act as well....

Mubadala Capital are investing just short of $1billion for 20% of the Brazilian league commercial rights.
Seems CFG and Mubadala/UAE continue to see a big future for football related investments.

Between Mubadala and CFG, there appears to be investment plans of over £2bn into football. Hope they don’t over extend themselves.
This sort of thing generally goes straight over my head so perhaps I'm oversimplifying, but is this not linked to the NYFC new stadium? Is the Chinese board member being missing a political move given the cold war between the USA and China?

At the moment, all things are possible. We don't know whether Midco actually has any assets apart from being the direct holder of the shares in Manchester City Limited, who made a filing to this effect in early October. Maybe the absence of Li among Midco's shareholders means nothing at all. Really, it's just something we should keep an eye on, because more will become clear eventually.

Update from stefan when asked about it this morning:

I take the point that we don't know whether NYC is held by Midco. It's an interesting possibility that another company under CFG Limited could have assumed control over NYC, but if it has, no UK-incorporated company within CFG is an obvious fit for NYC's holding company.

Ultimately, I'd say this:
  • I can't see the logic (which doesn't mean there's none) in transferring City alone into the ownership of Midco;
  • I believe it's unlikely that it's an accident for such a remarkably precise amount to have been specified in the resolution authorising the increase of the share capital; and
  • this sum seems unduly high for the investment needs of MCFC alone, which suggests that other investments are contemplated at the level if Midco rather than the parent company.
That's why I suggested it could relate to infrastructure investment within the Group beyond MCFC alone, but of course that's a guess, a stab in the dark. On the other hand, we do also know from today's news that another football club in the Group is intended to be the focus of a vast investment project in one of the world's iconic cities.

Of course it's speculative to link this development. That's why I said only that it was worth keeping an eye on. But on the other hand, I think that's perfectly fair.

Is this just a way of raising money for infrastructure without disturbing the share holdings of CFG? Also, CFG have an arrangement with a group of banks to draw down £500m for infrastructure and group IT development which won’t nearly cover NYC complex.
Huge investment going on. Sportswashing? Pfft!
Alternatively, money is needed to pay Ld.Pannick’s £20,000 per day fees.

I agree. If you were 'sportswashing', you wouldn't be engaged in these kinds of corporate machinations.

If they handle it in the way that my firm's clients did when I worked on large-scale real-estate investment projects, they'll only use cash to fund a relatively small proportion of the infrastructure, maybe 20%. Why do that if you have the cash, people ask? The answer is that investors usually want to spread the risk that the project entails rather than bear the entire risk themselves.

The rest would be funded by borrowing, mainly or entirely from a commercial lender. To this end, sometimes an investor will have a related entity lend money (maybe also up to 20% of the total price), to show a commercial lender that its borrowing for the rest of the project entails less of a risk than would otherwise be the case: it will have security for the loans, but the risk will be less if it has to seek 60% of the project value rather than 80% in the event that it has to enforce its security.

The loan from a creditor related to the investor is sometimes called a mezzanine loan. This is because the commercial lender will insist on having the primary security interest, but the related party lender will have a security interest that's second to the commercial lender's but ahead of the other creditors - i.e. it's inbetween, hence on a mezzanine level.

On the other thing, you may be right. We could be embroiled in the PL disciplinary process until 2082, when Pannick's fees are GBP 800 million. Maybe we're taking the sensible precaution of knowing now that we can cover them. ;)
Could it be something to do with the structuring of the NYCFC stadium deal ? It seems to have a very weird structure that doesn’t make sense and I am not sure on the face of it is a good deal for us but I don’t really understand it.

I thought I read that we pay for the stadium and rent it from the council and then other investors get on board with the housing etc.

I don’t understand why we would pay like 800 million for a stadium we won’t own on a short ish lease 25 years with a further 40 or something that can be added on.

I also wondering if things have changed at CFG and in China. I think CFG had a vision of football / sport / education facilities all over China but the government are less interested in football / sport so now the focus is shifting to entertainment /technology / Silverlake
Could it be something to do with the structuring of the NYCFC stadium deal ? It seems to have a very weird structure that doesn’t make sense and I am not sure on the face of it is a good deal for us but I don’t really understand it.

I thought I read that we pay for the stadium and rent it from the council and then other investors get on board with the housing etc.

I don’t understand why we would pay like 800 million for a stadium we won’t own on a short ish lease 25 years with a further 40 or something that can be added on.

I also wondering if things have changed at CFG and in China. I think CFG had a vision of football / sport / education facilities all over China but the government are less interested in football / sport so now the focus is shifting to entertainment /technology / Silverlake
It'S $780mil on a 49 year lease + option for further 25 years.Then we pay up to $4mil on the lease as New York own the land.

This outlay is for the stadium only.

It is no different to the new Co-op Live arena which is being built for c50% of the cost of the NYCFC stadium. The land is owned by Manchester City Council 20% and CFG 80% (or ADUG as was) and there will be a tenant/lease charge. Originally this was to be picked up 100% by Oak View but then we went into the joint venture with OAK View so effectively 50/50.

We don't know the numbers but I'm of the opposite view and that on the face of it it will be a great deal for CFG. They are the masters at this stuff!

NYCFC revenues will increase dramatically with the new stadium from matchday and commercial revenue. Much of the finance for the stadium was raised by CFG in a lower interest environment.
Huge investment by the group and I'm sure it will be a successful investment as the research and homework will undoubtedly have been done etc...this is great news for the fans of NYCFC .
The growth forecast for football in America is huge from currently a very low base.
A new ground,hotel,housing and associated infrastructure on semi derelict land but good location,in a world famous iconic where’ve I seen that before ?

NYC have been marking time for 10 years, watch them go when they have their own home.

Brazilians,Argentinians,Asians,Europeans,Hispanics,Martians they’ll all be there.

Etihad will be flying fans in to stay in The Sheikh’s hotels, to watch The Sheikh’ team afore flying back to do the same in Manchester afore doing a gig in the arena and catching The Etihad tram home.

Smart lad is our young Sheikh!!

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