Champions League Final

Why is it never enough for them just to say Salah got really unlucky?

Why is it the Liverpool fans and media are acting like Ramos broke his arm on purpose? Ramos grabbed 1 arm and pulled him over, something that happens several times a game between defender and attacker, but because he dislocated his other shoulder, Ramos has deliberately affronted the great Liverpool Football Club Tribe and single handedly lost them the game.
To be fair, they were equally harsh on Mane when he almost took Ederson's head off.
How fecking bad was that match though?
Isco was gash - eceryone was gash apart from Bale.
We'd have walked that final if we'd been playing Real.

True unfortunately.

Something for Pep to consider, if we have to play those wankers in a knockout game again; just be sure to see them off for a while, then come out & kill them.

Unfortunately, like te Europa last season, when the rags cashed in, this was probably the easiest Champs Lg to win, ever.

Won't be so easy next year.
An hour ago I nipped out for ciggies. Quite a few liverpool fans walking down Rose Lane near where I live, all sullen. The local athletics club were showing the match so they must have come from there. I crossed the road to mingle with them, wearing a sky blue shirt. One had a banner draped round his shoulders, most had liverpool kit on, one had furled flags tucked into his jeans. I overheard 1 say to his mate "I still can't believe Ramos deliberately fouled Salah" A couple of things: 1. He didn't deliberately foul him and 2. If he did, then I for one can totally believe it. Finally a pair who hadn't said anything, just looking glum. 1 said to the other "Well it is what it is". Inner joy for me!
Having endured 2 weeks of hype, especially here in Liverpool, this could not have ended better. As I posted here a few days ago they ALWAYS get ahead of themselves, and ALWAYS come unstuck. Will they ever change? They are a cult, with no real-life reference points when it comes to LFC. Long may their trophy-less run continue.
Maybe next year...
70m for Isco, no way, he would get bullied in the Premier League, he doesn't have the guile of Ferdy or Spanish Dave, the speed of Leroy or the strength of KDB to warrant such a huge price tag. Suited to La Liga but hardly ever shines against the top teams even though he has scored important goals.
I don't think we're actually interested mate. Priorities are obviously a flexible attacker and a pivot, we'll go for a true marquee signing if there's one available that suits us but he isn't that. Not ITK but that's the way I see it.

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