Shaggy said:
Feels like comming up on E


I was saying this to my work colleague that is here with me.

"Who needs drugs? All that expense, danger, addition... You could just support City to experience the lowest lows and highest highs."

He answered back "they'll both cause you to die young."
Leicester City fan here, well done lads that was one hell of a game even for a neutral.

I jumped up and shouted when Ageuro put the ball in the net so heaven knows what it was actually like for all you there.

I see what they mean when they say 'typical City'.

Glad you won it.
Shaggy said:
Feels like comming up on E


to all the wankers some of whom who were on here pleading for a tickets who fucked off before we won then wrecked the gates getting back in what are you doing quitting

where was all the CTID and we fight to then end???? good job the players didn't quit

well done city exhausted but what a day and I was there for all the match

Respect to Joe Hart Man of the match kept the ball up field so we could win

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