CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great just what we need the guy couldn't commuincate with his players properly and lost the dressing room within 3 months great idea perfect could u imagine Ireland to Shay "what da feck did he just say???" In other words NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Rammy Blue said:
if memory serves me right it was widely publicised that Scolari was staying in England, continuing to learn the lingo ahead of obtaining a new Prem position.

can't see it being true though as i still fully expect Jose to be our new boss come the summer.
Forget the special one we aint big enough for him yet his record is going into existing successful clubs and take them on a level he aint interested in "projects"
Vicky said:
Have a look at this guys...

The Spoiler’s most reliable Premier League informant has whispered us a rumour for which he is willing to put his credibility on the line : Mark Hughes will be sacked by Manchester City tomorrow, and will be replaced by Luiz Felipe Scolari.

Is the World Cup winner the answer to the Citizens’ prayers? Or is he an unsuitable choice who will, at best, get Robinho to put in some effort? Let us know below…

So what do you think......I found it on the net peeps..Im not voicing an oppinion here Im just putting it up for you to see.

As likely as a threesome tonight with Angelina Jolie and the missus,our Yorkshire terrier winning the Greyhound Derby or the Talking Scrotum admitting that manure were played off the park.
Funny / sad, innit.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ic=14914.0</a>
skybluekings said:
You'll be in a world of hurt if this doesn't happen :)

I was REALLY against Hughes all season, but now I want to give him another year. The guy is trying and the way we played against Hamburg won me over.

Didn't win me over. I liked the commitment we showed, but that was about it.

Our players worked their arses off, but they still didn't have any "system" or play like they had been coached by someone who had a clue. And the defending was frightening as usual.

Hamburg's team cost 1/10th of ours and yet every time they have the ball, they have a system. They know what they are doing and they keep the ball, passing to wide men, passing to players running into space.

We - on the other hand - either pass it around at the back, or we try to lump it forward or play the killer pass. And 99% of the time, it doesn't come off and we give the ball away. We play like we are a bunch of *tremendously* talented players who have never played together. This is all down to "The Useless One".

That said, and although I really do want to see Hughes gone, I think we can do better than Scholari.
blue John said:
And make Robinho look a dick for coming out and saying what a good manager Mark is

Maybe he came out to say it as a vote of support, knowing Hughes' future was hanging in the balance?

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