Chief Exec News from Torygraph

BlueAnorak said:
InMyLifetime-BaconChops said:
Wait so are we going to appoint this ex-Barca guy?

If the owner considers that the Spanish Airline that he was chief exec of went bust through no fault of his, then possibly/probably (delete as appropriate).

I think Spanair went bust because the EU outlawed their funding from the Catalan region - anti competition I guess. So it wasn't his fault. It was hoped that a buyer could be found (Quatar Airways I seem to recall) but that deal collapsed.
Ric said:
I was told by someone last week that Soriano would be confirmed as the new CEO this Friday, but who knows?

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.......
No official signs coming out of the club yet it seems. Asked Alan Nixon about it he is trying to find out more details.

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