Chinese OSCs, Shenzhen Blues + Sun Jihai + Shenzhen Peng City FC


I enquired about attending a couple of sponsor events opened up to fans in Shanghai and was told it is for Chinese only. No foreigners. I stated that 100% of the club players are not Chinese. Then, communication kind of broke down. The Shanghai OSC are organising an event and the Nanjing OSC too. In HK there are so many events, ran by the likes of Hays and the OSC there. Good to see open supporter events. In Japan, I haven't got a clue what is going on!
Does anyone know if the game on WEDNESDAY 24th July Vs Kitchee will be on TV or the City website?

Thinking of booking the afternoon off work (kick off is 1pm English time) but no point if I can’t watch it.

I know the first 2 games are on Sky but this game looks like it isn’t.

Help appreciated.... shows nothing yet.

I asked a few in HK and they're unsure too but someone mentioned SkyBet may show it in association with HK Jockey Club.

Also, if you're worried about what to eat, I blogged some crap about foods that are kind of close to scran back home.

The Emperor Of Burgers?

I spent a year in China before I discovered Ròujīamó (肉夹馍). Then I immediately read up on them. It could easily be said this dish is the grandfather of sandwiches and modern hamburgers. Without this conception, there would be no McDonald’s or Burger King. Many a food review in the local press would instead need to focus on salad. It’d be a far sadder world indeed. Steak prices could have been far different.

Instead, the exotic-sounding Ròujīamó saved the day. It appears in street food locations from Guang Ming Market to places all over the country, and beyond. Some contain spices, roots, clove essences, varieties of meat, potato shredding, and others are all about the meat. If you have the odd slice of cheese in your refrigerator, order one of these sandwiches hot and slap it on. Think of it as an instant and modern form of hedonism. You will thank me later for this suggestion.
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Does anyone know if the game on WEDNESDAY 24th July Vs Kitchee will be on TV or the City website?

Thinking of booking the afternoon off work (kick off is 1pm English time) but no point if I can’t watch it.

I know the first 2 games are on Sky but this game looks like it isn’t.

Help appreciated....
I was under the impression it is on sky sports

Blog post crap:

First up, tomorrow I travel to the 2008 Habitat Scroll of Honor of China city that is Nanjing. I’m looking forwards to seeing the City Wall of Nanjing (南京城墙 Nánjīng chéngqiáng), a wall that heavily influenced the Forbidden City of Beijing. The Jùbăo gate (聚宝门 Jùbăo Mén) looks atmospheric. I may start my wall walk from Zhonghuamen Station. Keeping with the word city, there is Shítóu Chéng [石頭城] or Stone City by Hanzhongmen Station. Maybe I can look up Purple Mountain (紫金山 Zĭjīn Shān) because of City’s new purple trim. It has UNESCO status of some kind and many places to view that you wouldn’t see every day (the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties: 明孝陵/Míng Xiào Líng). The Ming Palace [明故宫Míng Gùgōng] located by Minggugong Station will be a good place to explore too. Most call it the ‘Forbidden City of Nanjing’. Or, for ceramc value, I can check out the Great Bao’en Temple [大报恩寺].

Read on.
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