City & FFP | 2020/21 Accounts released | Revenues of £569.8m, £2.4m profit (p 2395)

Chippy_boy said:
mad4city said:
BigOscar said:
Difference is, the journos needed United news from press conferences to survive, reporting that is how they made their money. They make their money off bad mouthing City, and they don't need to go to our press conferences or games for that. Don't doubt for a second that us banning one of these cretins wouldn't run in that journo's paper every week for a few years either.

The only obvious pro-active thing we could do, is start to actually take legal action when they go too far and they genuinely overstep the boundaries of the law. There isn;t much doubt that some of the things written about us have being genuinely libelous and we would of been well within our rights to take action. Even that though would probably get us slaughtered. We're a bit damned if we do, damned if we don't tbh. Our softly, softly approach has worked well with every journalist who it is going to work with, the remaining rags are never going to come around.
I'm beginning to think that the time is nigh to sue one or two of the staff journalists of a national paper. Don't care whom we pick on and neither do I care if we're in the right in doing so. We can well afford to tie these spiteful fuckers up in court but can they afford to respond? Word would soon get out the City have turned temperamentally litigious and they'd think twice before publishing such slanted articles as today's, again.

Can't disagree with that mate.

They are like a pack of wolves on the trail of Christopher Jefferies before the Joanna Yates trial and we all know how that panned out.

Due to our passive, turn the other cheek, approach they have basically got used to printing what on earth they like without so much as the vaguest thought as to whether it might actually be even remotely true.

I think it's about time to give them a little reminder that what they print had better have some truth in it, or prepare to face the consequences. Like you, I am not advocating suing everything that moves; just pick a particularly bad example over the next couple of months and issue a writ. It would soon have them thinking twice.

I wouldn't worry we will have the last laugh. We will be free of sanctions from next season as long as we break even.
If our accounts are above board and have been audited by reputable accountancy companies, and the same accounts have been witnessed and approved by UEFA, then do City have a case for taking Harris to court over his slanderous allegations?
I'm no cynic said:
If our accounts are above board and have been audited by reputable accountancy companies, and the same accounts have been witnessed and approved by UEFA, then do City have a case for taking Harris to court over his slanderous allegations?

That's the point though isn't it, there are no allegations. Just a big fat headline followed by a few lines saying we 'may' face fresh investigations. There are no facts, no research, no basis for the story other than it comes on the back of the Lampard fiasco.
Harris has already stated we "lied" about our accounts and that we "cooked our books", as well as stating our auditors were complicit in trying to hoodwink UEFA.
Manc in London said:
Harris has already stated we "lied" about our accounts and that we "cooked our books", as well as stating our auditors were complicit in trying to hoodwink UEFA.

You'd think that's worth a law suit or two. By the auditors if not us.
jonmcity said:
Chippy_boy said:
mad4city said:
I'm beginning to think that the time is nigh to sue one or two of the staff journalists of a national paper. Don't care whom we pick on and neither do I care if we're in the right in doing so. We can well afford to tie these spiteful fuckers up in court but can they afford to respond? Word would soon get out the City have turned temperamentally litigious and they'd think twice before publishing such slanted articles as today's, again.

Can't disagree with that mate.

They are like a pack of wolves on the trail of Christopher Jefferies before the Joanna Yates trial and we all know how that panned out.

Due to our passive, turn the other cheek, approach they have basically got used to printing what on earth they like without so much as the vaguest thought as to whether it might actually be even remotely true.

I think it's about time to give them a little reminder that what they print had better have some truth in it, or prepare to face the consequences. Like you, I am not advocating suing everything that moves; just pick a particularly bad example over the next couple of months and issue a writ. It would soon have them thinking twice.

I wouldn't worry we will have the last laugh. We will be free of sanctions from next season as long as we break even.

Yes, and they will still print shite about us. I don't know about you, but I am just thoroughly sick to the back teeth of it now. God knows how our owner feels about it.

I feel like the quiet, meek and mild kid in the classroom, constant subject of piss takes and jibes, until one day suddenly, WHAM and someone gets a big fat smack in the mouth.
Chippy_boy said:
jonmcity said:
Chippy_boy said:
Can't disagree with that mate.

They are like a pack of wolves on the trail of Christopher Jefferies before the Joanna Yates trial and we all know how that panned out.

Due to our passive, turn the other cheek, approach they have basically got used to printing what on earth they like without so much as the vaguest thought as to whether it might actually be even remotely true.

I think it's about time to give them a little reminder that what they print had better have some truth in it, or prepare to face the consequences. Like you, I am not advocating suing everything that moves; just pick a particularly bad example over the next couple of months and issue a writ. It would soon have them thinking twice.

I wouldn't worry we will have the last laugh. We will be free of sanctions from next season as long as we break even.

Yes, and they will still print shite about us. I don't know about you, but I am just thoroughly sick to the back teeth of it now. God knows how our owner feels about it.

I feel like the quiet, meek and mild kid in the classroom, constant subject of piss takes and jibes, until one day suddenly, WHAM and someone gets a big fat smack in the mouth.

Let's start with Michael Calvin etc, on TS right now sticking the knife in big time
Fucks me off big time but its fear driving it and for that we should be happy.

Khaldoon said it best in that anfew years down the line, the scoffing will stop and they will all suddenly wake upmto the fact what we are doing is the right way.
moomba said:
Manc in London said:
Harris has already stated we "lied" about our accounts and that we "cooked our books", as well as stating our auditors were complicit in trying to hoodwink UEFA.

You'd think that's worth a law suit or two. By the auditors if not us.

Would love to see the dismally thick slug's 'story' dismantled and him taken to the cleaners....
dom said:
moomba said:
Manc in London said:
Harris has already stated we "lied" about our accounts and that we "cooked our books", as well as stating our auditors were complicit in trying to hoodwink UEFA.

You'd think that's worth a law suit or two. By the auditors if not us.

Would love to see the dismally thick slug's 'story' dismantled and him taken to the cleaners....


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