Whatever side of this you come from, what Cheesy says is definitely true and anyone who isn't some sort of rosetinted, nostalgia fuelled fool knows it.
Anyone who has been to football regularly, especially in the past, has seen numerous innocent individuals get a hiding from wankers from all sorts of different teams. Yet each set of 'hard men' always spout the same tripe about they being the 'good guys' who would never do it and their opposition always being the sort of 'bad guys' who would.
Well, guess what chaps, it happened every week at every ground so someone must be lying.
In fact, if you ever get talking to some of the less idealistic of them, the ones who are not sad enough to try to romanticise big groups of pissed blokes going around trying to find smaller groups of people to beat up, then they will often freely admit that every single group of them would regularly, intentionally or not, cause inncoent people to be hurt (often severely).
That is a fact, and no amount of revised, rose-tinted bollocks will convince anyone who attends football, and isn't coming from a 'those we the days - we were top boys' direction, otherwise