City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

Just read this explanation of tyranny of the majority on twitter.

Tyranny of the majority describes a scenario where the majority enforces its will on the minority, often to the detriment of minority rights and interests. While democracy aims to balance the will of the majority with the protection of individual and minority rights, tyranny of the majority refers to the failure of this balance, leading to majoritarian overreach and potential injustice

Yeah I doubt we’ll win anything on that point!
Worked 33 years in education. Got right to 'the top'. Bagged early retirement at the first opportunity. Honestly, with respect, you have no idea how diabolical it is. Not having a go, just agreeing with you, on turbo wheels. The illiteracy among teachers, actual teachers, is mind blowing. But, that's a mere snippet of the monstrous amazon of utter shit shite that it is. I have a million stories, and occasionally, over a pint in the pub, I try to tell them to mates. People think I'm making it up.
So your the **** that broke the education system and you support city? you're going to burn in hell 115 times.
Seriously? Of all the posters Mr Hockin has gone in to bat for city more than most.
I dont doubt he considers himself a City fan, and his podcast rants were novel and entertaining a few years ago when he was building his online presence and flogging his books on the back of City's success, but it is telling that today, the day the club finally, for the first time in 16 years, has a nibble back at our persecuters, this professional City fan rushes to twitter in record time to complain at the club's resorting to the law to defend itself.
I wonder how many new followers from the fanbases of our rivals and persecuters he will pick up over the next few days. Hopefully it will be enough to help him flog a few books and help him to sleep at night.
Days like today tell you a lot about people.

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