City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

Going on holiday next week, already decided I'm telling people I'm not into football if coversation turns to who do you support. Even told the Mrs and two grown up kids not butt in if they hear me say it and blab who I support. Really cant arsed with the vitriol, bantz, snide digs, bingo card shite that will likely follow.
Just ask them to name a charge, usually works for me and the conversation ends there.
Posted this in the media thread but it’s probably more relevant here (sorry for spamming blues)

I’ve said this many times elsewhere and others make the same point - but come on City - fucking do something. How can we be the world’s best club - a superb organisation, wonderful team, the best management, the very best ownership - and be seemingly utterly clueless when in comes protecting our public image and managing relationships with an unremittingly hostile media. It’s really shouldn’t be that difficult.
The first thing I’d do today would be an untraceable leak of our full claim document - this would doubtless expose Lawton’s cherrypicking and spin - at least it would muddy the waters. I’m sure someone could find a full copy amongst some refuse in a back street in Abu Dhabi - “God knows how it got there” :)
But what do I know ….just an FOC fed up of us getting trashed and wanting to fight back.
We are one Club against 19. Or at least the majority. The Club are fighting back but the fans need to do also
Matt Lawton was given the document a few weeks ago by someone at Arsenal. No doubt the sneaky bastards wanted the shit to hit the fan during the title run in. After helping them with a manager and some players, they can go and fuck themselves.
One thing that has bugged me about Arsenal down the years right back to when Wenger coined the phrase "financial doping" is how Emirates are still happy to sponsor them. Giving their links to our majority owner, I'm surprised Emirates haven't tried to reign Arsenal in. It could be argued that Arsenal are potentially one phone call away from having the most lucrative sponsorship deal in their history being pulled.
We don't know much about this case. Little information has been made available and the source of the leak is clearly a self-interested party. Thus, no-one is in a position to say who is right or wrong. However, that has not prevented journalists from telling us City's actions present a Thanos level threat to existence.

The last few days, just in case anyone doubted it, has clearly shown that almost all sports 'journalists' who have commented on this are disingenuous, bad faith actors.

They know City are unable to respond but they throw around accusations rather than suggest that the leak is from a self-interested party or try to look at the issue from City's perspective. At best, they are courtiers working on behalf of a self-interested party. Journalists, they are not. Yet they accuse City of being more concerned about themselves. The hypocrisy is off the scale.
I could be well wide of the mark on this but I don't think CAS are there to necessarily question how UEFA went about things and offer up criticism of UEFA where it might be warranted. Their job was to simply decide whether City were guilty of what UEFA accused us of. CAS effectively laughed UEFA's evidence right out of court - about a dozen references to "no evidence" in the CAS report - but their language in the report about that was diplomatic rather than inflammatory. I've not read the whole of the IC report into Everton's most recent case but the snippets I've seen regarding the accusations of non-cooperation from the PL show the IC being far more scathing of the PL than CAS were of UEFA when throwing out the main charges against us.
True enough, but in our interlocutory action against UEFA (CAS1), CAS were scathing about the behaviour of Leterme and basically said City had no chance of a fair hearing while he was presiding. No media reported that, surprise, surprise.
That's a really interesting article, thanks. Perhaps this part explains why City are now claiming compensation:

"Concerns were also raised about the retrospective nature of the rules, given deals entered into within the preceding three years are caught. Objectors referenced the potentially unfair impact on clubs which have ongoing relationships in place with parties that now fall under the ambit of ‘associated party’. These clubs could face not only commercial but also potential legal issues, depending on the nature of these commitments."
Surely if that's the case then the PL are also open to legal action from the sponsors themselves?
Dead right, Im looking at doing some Cheating Bastards T shirts, will post on here when I do, proceeds to charity.

Fcuk em, loving this.
Saw someone wearing one of those on the morning of the FA Cup Final in Putney. We walked past him talking amongst ourselves wondering whether he was a Rag or one of ours. Turns out he was a blue!

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