City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

Something that got me thinking the other day?

Khaldoon stated the Premier League is a small place and we do eventually get to hear everything?

Positions change, clubs who previously campaigned against City, suddenly get rich owners of their own, have bigger aspirations?

Email disclosure was always going to be a matter of course, but maybe WE KNOW some of the language which was only privy between the Premier League and its members?

I can think of a certain owner in the North East who was very active against City until they were taken over by some rather wealthy people?

Same goes for a certain club in the West Midlands?

If we know there are emails that exist and we have seen/have them, it really does leave the Premier League wondering if we have held a smoking gun all along!
A smoking gun, we have had nuclear weapons ready to go the whole time, its insanity to think there wont be emails with some defamatory language when david gill said publicly they must be stopped and 8 clubs wrote a letter publicly backing punishment against us, as i said previously after we were hacked i think its a fair assumption to say we did a little digging of our own and we prob know whats there and have decided to give them enough rope to hang themselves.
Khaldoon always maintained in his end of season reviews that people shouldn't throw stones who live in glass houses.

How can you not trust this fella? He is as honest as the day is long.
( suggs 1980)

Beautiful summation.
Thank you
“Let’s look at the facts” he mentions- repeatedly.
Which is what we should be repeating to all the jealous dicks that have a pot at us.
Watching this can’t do anything but fill you with confidence and pride.
I just hope we have done them dirty videos, pics ,emails top executives climbing out the back of Thai whores with a little extra up front, really shown them how we can fuck them up big time if we so wanted.

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