City Lend Dubai £10,000,000,000

Re: City Borrow Dubai £10,000,000,000

vonksbignose said:
leewill31 said:
how many bloody teachers do we have on this forum,its like being at school sometimes on here.

There are so many grammatical & punctuation errors in this statement, that it appears the answer would have to be "not enough"!


siht saw detcepxe! :)
Abu Dhabi must have "shagged" Dubai big style over this money, the collateral put up will be a big coup for our owners.

win win as always.
Rammy Blue said:
Abu Dhabi must have "shagged" Dubai big style over this money, the collateral put up will be a big coup for our owners.

win win as always.
It's like the HM Govt covering British Banking write-offs.

Abu Dhabi will benefit economically IF the Dubai assets are worth something when the process unwinds. They can't really do anything else. if they allow Dubai to fail, then confidence in the whole region is affected
Marvin said:
Rammy Blue said:
Abu Dhabi must have "shagged" Dubai big style over this money, the collateral put up will be a big coup for our owners.

win win as always.
It's like the HM Govt covering British Banking write-offs.

Abu Dhabi will benefit economically IF the Dubai assets are worth something when the process unwinds. They can't really do anything else. if they allow Dubai to fail, then confidence in the whole region is affected

not really like your example at all.

Abu Dhabi will no doubt benefit even more should Dubai fail, they are 2 seperate countries and will effectively be taken over by AD if they default on the terms of the loan.
City Lend Dubai £10,000,000,000

This ^^^^^^^^ Embarrasses (spl) me. It is fucking comments like this that piss off most neutrals and makes us a laughing stock frankly. In terms of investment by Sheik Mansour, our beloved club is but a tiny part but has done what I think was intended, by putting Abu Dhabi and more importantly Sheik Mansour on the map! I would like to hear from our Arab stock market guy's exactly what percentage of the Sheiks portfolio is tied up in our club. I love the fact that he has invested in us but dont get carried away thinking that the whole wealth of Abu Dhabi is behind us, it isnt.
If Dubai World, and other Dubai companies become worthless what benefit is it to Abu Dhabi to take them over? They take on their debts, and lose Billions.

Remember when Lloyds were forced to buy HBOS?

The Markets internationally have rallied because they believe that Western Companies with exposure to Dubai will receive their interest payments on Dubai bonds with Abu Dhabi oil money. But those paper assets could become worthless.

It's a risk, and one that Abu Dhabi has to take. the markets have been expecting them to do this all along. The initial reaction to the default of Dubai World was not because the world suddenly learned of their debt repayment problems, but because of the fear that Abu Dhabi would not step in. All along they ahd assumed that Abu Dhabi would step in when needed.....what we have seen today is confirmation that they will in this case.

Just because they are lending Dubai companies monies.....doesn't mean that Abu Dhabi benefits. Their Central Bank has already backed Dubai World Bond issues before, and the Company still failed.

Companies go bust, and when they do the shareholders, and bondholders lose out regardless of how wealthy they are.
Rammy Blue said:
Marvin said:
It's like the HM Govt covering British Banking write-offs.

Abu Dhabi will benefit economically IF the Dubai assets are worth something when the process unwinds. They can't really do anything else. if they allow Dubai to fail, then confidence in the whole region is affected

not really like your example at all.

Abu Dhabi will no doubt benefit even more should Dubai fail, they are 2 seperate countries and will effectively be taken over by AD if they default on the terms of the loan.
Not quite, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Emirates and Etihad become one in the next few years as a result of this bail out. The Nayhans have the Maktoums by the testicles, that's for sure.
bluebandits said:
City Lend Dubai £10,000,000,000

This ^^^^^^^^ Embarrasses (spl) me. It is fucking comments like this that piss off most neutrals and makes us a laughing stock frankly. In terms of investment by Sheik Mansour, our beloved club is but a tiny part but has done what I think was intended, by putting Abu Dhabi and more importantly Sheik Mansour on the map! I would like to hear from our Arab stock market guy's exactly what percentage of the Sheiks portfolio is tied up in our club. I love the fact that he has invested in us but dont get carried away thinking that the whole wealth of Abu Dhabi is behind us, it isnt.
City are owned by the Abu Dhabi United Group, but I don't know whether this is a private equity group, or a Sovereign Wealth Fund.

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