City scouts watching Elm (Update: Contacts with Elm)

Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Project said:
Delph and Elm would complement each other pretty well though.

In the reserves? Seems strange buying £15m worth of players for that.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Outrun said:
Project said:
Delph and Elm would complement each other pretty well though.

In the reserves? Seems strange buying £15m worth of players for that.

My point was more to the poster who said rather Elm than Delph.

But as I said yesterday I don't believe our midfield is anywhere near as strong as it could be from a squad perspective. We basically have no backup for Ireland and no backup for Barry. Arguably these two could be it. United and Chelsea have backup players who cost just as much. Absolutely nothing wrong in spending £15M on two fine prospects as young cover for our midfield, particularly if you have the money.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Project said:
Outrun said:
In the reserves? Seems strange buying £15m worth of players for that.

My point was more to the poster who said rather Elm than Delph.

But as I said yesterday I don't believe our midfield is anywhere near as strong as it could be from a squad perspective. We basically have no backup for Ireland and no backup for Barry. Arguably these two could be it. United and Chelsea have backup players who cost just as much. Absolutely nothing wrong in spending £15M on two fine prospects as young cover for our midfield, particularly if you have the money.

Oh I'm sorry, you're absolutely right on that. I still think it would be better to give Delph some more playing time, maybe ship him off to Birmingham like Hart. They could absolutely both populate our midfield in a couple of years though.

I guess Weiss is a winger, meaning our only current academy (non-playing) CM player is Johnson. He needs some fire up his ass, since he seem to spend tons of time in the bars. More youth talent should make him fight harder.

Plus I doubt the Delph fee is £10m straight, probably 5m plus 3-4m add-ons (Leeds have done this to tons of players, like Danny Rose and the two players to Chelsea, Taiwo). With Elm at £4.5 that makes it closer to ~£9.5m.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Elm is already better than Jon Obi Mikel was when Chelsea signed him from Norway a couple of years ago.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Ireland8989 said:
Elm is already better than Jon Obi Mikel was when Chelsea signed him from Norway a couple of years ago.

In all fairness, Mikel had just turned 19 when he joined, Elm is now 21. But I hope you're right, I haven't seen much of Mikel.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

The club would get a lot more attention here in Sweden, even if we alredy get it today. There is a paper called Aftonbladet, they have a comlunist, Peter Wennman, he says he is a City fan. But all he does is piss on the club.

This is fecking off topic. Sorry guys

But anyway, we should get Rasmus Elm. Moyes wants him too.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

What sucks even more is that Everton might buy him with our Lescott money, even the agent say our club is "too big".
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Outrun said:
What sucks even more is that Everton might buy him with our Lescott money, even the agent say our club is "too big".

Are you Swedish?
It was reported last week that Elm was in Liverpool an talked to that scottish bastard
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

elanos tumb said:
Outrun said:
What sucks even more is that Everton might buy him with our Lescott money, even the agent say our club is "too big".

Are you Swedish?
It was reported last week that Elm was in Liverpool an talked to that scottish bastard

Jag tror inte Elm kommer välja att gå till city för att han är smart nog att inse att det är bättre att gå till en mindre klubb för hans egen utveckling. dock hoppas jag av hela mitt hjärta att city värvar honom för han kommer bli en riktigt grym spelare i framtiden!

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