It was my family that had to leave yesterday- my parents (who are in their 70's) and one of my brothers. As a family we have 7 season tickets, we prefer to stand, but sit down if the stewards ask us to directly. Yesterday my brother objected to being asked to sit 30 seconds after Cliche's goal whilst we were still celebrating, so Showsec decided he had to go, my Mum and Dad disagreed so they had to go too. Bit of background on my Dad, he's followed City home and away since he was 8 years old - almost 60 years of loyal support - he has brought up his 7 children to do the same, he continued to attend and stand and sing throughout his chemotherapy treatment 3 years ago (what's your excuse for not being able to stand?!) and he will continue to do so along with the rest of us.
Those of you who are saying 109 was always seated are wrong- 109 was made up predominantly of the kippax block GG when we moved from Maine Rd, we stood there and we continue to stand here, we're repeatedly threatened by Showsec despite the fact that there are often away supporters a few rows infront. If you want to sit in silence, why don't you move over near Pep and bore him with the rest of them? Or better still, stay on your sofa and listen to the radio! Showsec take people out at random during quiet games, it's a fact - has anyone ever been asked to sit during a Derby??