City v Norwich In Match Discussion Thread

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Cheadle Blue said:
rnblade said:
Jack_mcfc_ said:
What is all the flapping about? Last game of the season, 2nd place secured.
Get a fuckin grip!! We want to see some effort. We should not be losing at home to Norwich!!!

exactly last game, last thanks to the fans for a fucking piss poor wembley performance, really fucked off with this today

If that was the case then Richards, who plays right back and Lescott who hasn't had the best year and hasn't played much wouldn't be our center back partnership.

Loosing this game isn't the worst thing that can happen.
Why the fuck cant City do anything right at the moment? No fucking youths, piss poor display, good players subbed out. I really hope we reveal our kit at the end of the game or something too cheer the fans up because this is pathetic
Jack_mcfc_ said:
Cheadle Blue said:
rnblade said:
Get a fuckin grip!! We want to see some effort. We should not be losing at home to Norwich!!!

exactly last game, last thanks to the fans for a fucking piss poor wembley performance, really fucked off with this today

If that was the case then Richards, who plays right back and Lescott who hasn't had the best year and hasn't played much wouldn't be our center back partnership.

Loosing this game isn't the worst thing that can happen.

No, but it is still utter shit
Jack_mcfc_ said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
To concede 3 against this lot is alarming to say the least

How is it? There is nothing to play for and a right back and a center back who haven't played as much as usual as a partnership was never going to go that well.
so guess its ok for over paid players to put in half arsed performance, everytime that shirt is pulled on, they should put an effort in
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
Cheadle Blue said:
Jack_mcfc_ said:
How is it? There is nothing to play for and a right back and a center back who haven't played as much as usual as a partnership was never going to go that well.


very arrogant indeed, anyone can beat anyone and norwich have played well today. Dont know why your so annyed

arrogant? 2nd in the league playing a team that has only just about stayed up, and they are making us look terrible, oh yeah sorry your right, im really happy now, i will through a street fucking party
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