City's World Class Players

Frank Swift
Bert of the Parachute
Colin Bell
Big Joe Corrigan(was a world class keeper)
Kazi Deyna
Trevor Francis
Carlos Tevez
Captain Vincent
David Silva

Soon to be classed if they keep progressing aqnd get more Chumps League

Hart would get in almost anyteam in the worl bar maybe 2 or 3
Kompany would jump into any team including Barca or Real
Richards is probly the 2nd or 3rd best right back in the world.However i personsly beleive he could be a better centre back given time
Yaya would get in every team week in week out, apart from Barca
Silva would get in every team apart from Barca, however on form he would probly get in the barca team
Tevez...the only better player in the world, doing what Carlos Tevez does, is Messi
Aguero on form would get in any team in the world

Out of this list, on form they are all world class.However the only ones that are consitent in almost everygame, therefor 100% world class, are Kompany, Richards, Yaya and Tevez
I've been watching since the 50s as well. Trautmann, Johnstone, Bell, Lee, Summerbee, Tony Book, Trevor Francis, Yaya, Silva, Aguero, Tevez, Kompany.
dobobobo said:
Maineman55 said:
Bert Trautmann
Colin Bell
Carlos Tevez
Sergio Aguero
David Silva (boarderline)

Honestly not looking for an aruguement. I respect your opinion, but how can you class Sergio Aguero as world class after one season with City?

(I'm over looking the inclusion of Tevez, that would result in an arguement and I would be a twat for starting it)

I think Sergio was a world class player at Athletico. And coming into a new league, new culture, and finishing up as the leading scorer is amazing.
As for Tevez. I know what you mean. But I was purely looking at Tevez the player. Not the man.

Probably should have included Ya Ya though.
sambrookonthewing said:
I've been watching since the 50s as well. Trautmann, Johnstone, Bell, Lee, Summerbee, Tony Book, Trevor Francis, Yaya, Silva, Aguero, Tevez, Kompany.

Not including your namesake Ray Sambrook then. Or indeed Colin Barlow !
Those were the days.
Maineman55 said:
dobobobo said:
Maineman55 said:
Bert Trautmann
Colin Bell
Carlos Tevez
Sergio Aguero
David Silva (boarderline)

Honestly not looking for an aruguement. I respect your opinion, but how can you class Sergio Aguero as world class after one season with City?

(I'm over looking the inclusion of Tevez, that would result in an arguement and I would be a twat for starting it)

I think Sergio was a world class player at Athletico. And coming into a new league, new culture, and finishing up as the leading scorer is amazing.
As for Tevez. I know what you mean. But I was purely looking at Tevez the player. Not the man.

Probably should have included Ya Ya though.

I agree,I've only seen compilations of his goals for Athletico,but one season here or not,the guys world class.
He's going to be frightnening next season.

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