City's worst manager of all time

Alan Ball.

If you drew-up a "Pros" and "Cons" chart for his reign, the "Pros" column would be completely empty.

He was also cr*p everywhere else he managed - got his hands on several reasonably established teams and managed to relegate almost all of them within a season or two - so he wasn't even just 'unlucky' at City.
Coppell, Ball, Pearce then Hughes, but wasn't some of Vinnies time on the bench and non playing time under Hughes due to a problem with his toe, i think he had to have an operation on it or something and was out for some time, not defending Hughes who for me is still a red ba****d and always will be, just trying to remember.
Challenger1978 said:
bluemc1 said:
blueonblue said:
I still fail to see how some can even think to defend numpty hughes by sighting he bought some good players, he bought like a kid on a playstation who found the cheat for unlimited funds and got lucky with a few.

His % of good to bad players makes poor reading, and those who want to count Bellamy for example as good should remember it was never his talent that was the problem, his attitude and duff knee`s did, And lets not forget what he almost cost us in his plan to get shut of Richards and Hart, as well as the lose of Sturidge and Elano.

You want a cast iron reason why he is the worst manager this club has ever had, away games and spiting the supporters, No other manager has ever caused the divisions that c*nt did within the club, no matter how poor they have been, and we have had plenty of them.

Away displays spoke volumes of how p*ss poor he is, a trait he still has with him not winning away once in his time at QPR despite the usual trick of spending a pile of cash and blaming everyone else.

I have stood firm from George Poyser through so many like Ball and Bond, but until that utter C*nt I never hated any manager.

-- Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:49 am --
did what hughes do for city move us forward or set us back ? bought like kid on playstation ? got lucky with a few ? kompany de jong lescott tevez bellamy barry, fuck me hes one lucky bastard, did he move blackburn forward or set them back also wales, yep not doing great at QPR but thats 3-1 in moving teams on, NOT the worst ever manager to manage city end off

Well considering he spent £120 million and we ended up in a lower league position than the year before I'd say he took us backwards.

he left us in 6th didn't think we finished 5th the year before ? just check that please and if your wrong do you still think he took us backwards ? also you didn't mention blackburn and wales, why ?

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