
de niro said:
i thought he had a good game.

So did I. Had he left at the full 90 minutes he would have been superb.

But when it comes to weight of evidence, it seems the FArce will believe the OldTopFour and officials, and I not sure in which order, even when the evidence is a pack of lies.

It's this reason why the rules governing disciplinary action are devoid of any natural justice and the usual structure that obtains in a court of law. Some of the dissembling twunts would crumble give the logic and persistence of a semi-trained brief.


Brief: Mr. Clattenburg, are you sure you didn't see anything of the alleged incident?

Clatters: No sir, my attention was drawn to the ball and there was a bit of whistling in my earpiece.

Brief: You're quite sure, on that point Mr. Clattenburg?

Clatters: Absolutely sure sir. As sure as I am that Dave Ewing scored City's fifth goal.

Brief: Why, then, Mr. Clattenburg, are you waving your arms so vigorously in the manner of playing advantage to the home side, from what I can only describe as a rather reckless tackle by Mr. van Miffy?

Clatters: I was beset by a rather vicious wasp, wearing Manchester City's second kit.
He had just come back from a suspension. He had no option but to say whatever the FA wanted him to say, end of!!
It stinks, but unfortunately thats life at FA towers. I don't blame the ref, i thought he had a great game and if it wasn't for the arse fans reaction to Ades celebration, I don't think this would have been brought to the heights that it has.
The challenge on van wimp has only been used as a stick to beat Ade with.
mat said:
Doddy said:
Quick question can City not ask the FA to stop him reffing any more of our games as he has lied by saying he did not see the incident,surely the video evidence was brought up ?

Despite being a cock we've never lost with him in charge.
Blimey, I just checked that and you're right: 10 wins, 2 draws, 0 defeats with Clattenburg reffing.
Doddy said:
Quick question can City not ask the FA to stop him reffing any more of our games as he has lied by saying he did not see the incident,surely the video evidence was brought up ?

Fool. This guy is a great ref. Hes always done an excellent job everytime
THESE incidents go on in most games,the ref missed it but our friends like SSN and MoTD brought it to the FA attention regarding EA for me this is what football isnt about,what does the man talk about down the pub nowdays they are taking all the fun out of the game,im not saying it should go on but it does,fook me there would b no one left on the pitch in some of the lower league games if the camera were scruitinizing everything.
As for 6 officials at the Everton game last nite,give me a break.
dw7 said:
scorer said:
Had he seen it for what it was he would have inevitably sent him off, even the most biased City fan could see that.

Had he been sent off, who knows what the outcome would have been?

agree with this 100%

not sure I agree with that, from Clatternberg's angle/viewpoint at full speed it looks pretty much like an accident. I accept from the other angle and in slow-mo it looks like a stamp but he could have said I saw it and from my view point it looked accidental, anyway what is done is done and we need to get on with it.

Clatternberg did have a good game thou
I reckon he had a really good game in a difficult full blooded great game of football. He had no option but to say he didn't see it, when put under the microscope. I do not blame any of this on him, it was the media witch hunt as usual and the whingeing southern gits.
Apart from not booking Van persie and Fabregas he had an alrite game. However to claim he didn't see the incident directly in front of him is paramount to perjury, which was clearly induced by the FA. What gets me is why ref's get 2 fucking days to write their match report during which time the FA tell them what to put in it, Rooney/ Boswinga incidents ="you saw the incident and didn't think it warranted any action".

It would be much fairer if straight after the game the ref and his assistants are "locked" in their changing room to watch the reply with the option to pause/rewind etc and file the report there and then to include any off the ball incidents etc they didn't pick up on during the game.
So what if they got home a few hours latter they get good money for being a professional ref, they then get full accountability for the game they ref'ed without any media/FA influence, if they screw up at least everyboby knows it was their screw up and done without external influence.

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