Have we reached a point in society where we see racism when it isn’t there?
I think over the summer last year, it got to a point where people were accused of being racists, not for saying or doing something actually racist, but for saying they didn’t think something was racist.
Now we have this, this week, a national hero, the most humble and unassuming guy possible, a guy who fought against the most racist state in living memory in Europe, a guy who wanted to do a fundraiser, without expecting it to be £1000, never mind what it did, a man that has the support of everyone in Britain, save a few trolls, a man that received donations from 160+ countries, his support being labelled as not only a cult but a “white nationalist cult”.
We have seen it on this forum somewhat, within minutes of the laughable
Handforth Council video going up, someone was moaning about how white everyone is in the video.
Is this the new issue? Will the so-called “anti racists” make sure we will never let go of racism, as they’ll find it everywhere and make a point of it?
Is the national response to Captain Tom “white nationalist”?
Personally, as someone who is Church of England, I do not want this clergyman representing my church.
I think over the summer last year, it got to a point where people were accused of being racists, not for saying or doing something actually racist, but for saying they didn’t think something was racist.
Now we have this, this week, a national hero, the most humble and unassuming guy possible, a guy who fought against the most racist state in living memory in Europe, a guy who wanted to do a fundraiser, without expecting it to be £1000, never mind what it did, a man that has the support of everyone in Britain, save a few trolls, a man that received donations from 160+ countries, his support being labelled as not only a cult but a “white nationalist cult”.
We have seen it on this forum somewhat, within minutes of the laughable
Handforth Council video going up, someone was moaning about how white everyone is in the video.
Is this the new issue? Will the so-called “anti racists” make sure we will never let go of racism, as they’ll find it everywhere and make a point of it?
Is the national response to Captain Tom “white nationalist”?
Personally, as someone who is Church of England, I do not want this clergyman representing my church.
Clergyman Rev Jarel Robinson-Brown faces inquiry for ‘Sir Tom cult’ remarks
A clergyman has been condemned by colleagues and faces a Church of England investigation after describing efforts to commemorate Captain Sir Tom Moore as a “cul