Clinton v Trump debate - 2am BBC News 24

"She's got no stamina"
"What exactly do you mean?"
"Err..., she has't got the stamina. I mean she hasn't got the look to be president...or something...wibble."

He beggars belief

A lot of the time he was too busy shouting "I DIDNT SAY THAT" whilst she was talking, then when it came to him rather than having thought of a retort he just spent the first 10 seconds repeating the words I didnt say that, rather than making any point.

His excuse for being racist in the 70s, other people were racist as well. What a huge hairy clopper
That's pretty stupid. I thought everyone knew it was only 5,776 years old.
6020 surely. October 22, 4004 BC....

Trump wanting the sub-prime housing collapse because he'd make money? "That's business!" Along with "I'm smart" by not paying tax, how does anyone possibly think he's somehow on the side of those most stiffed by the banks and corporations?
that "i'm smart" faux pas shows exactly the circles that he mixes in. It was like he was proud of it, yet still bleats on about the state of his country totally oblivious to his hypocrisy - complete arsehole.
What was he on about when he said Hiliary had been fighting ISIS all her adult life lol
Hillary has spent HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON ADS against him! How do I know? He said so! ROFLMAO,!!

Trump is an example of everything that is wrong with America's rich white elite.

Fuckwit is too kind of a word to describe him. He is dangerous and playing on the emotions of the uneducated. He PROUDLY announced at a rally "I love the uneducated!"

For non-Americans, you will see the Electoral Map and see that America's President is elected based on the votes in STATES, with the population of th state relating to the number of Electoral Votes they have. So, when you see an Electoral Map, you will see MASSIVE AREAS of the US in RED (Republican, and just another reason to hate them! ;-) ) and smaller areas in BLUE. However, when you dig a little deeper, you see that the LARGE POPULATION CENTRES, WHERE THE EDUCATED CONGREGATE IN THE BIG CITIES AND SUBURBS, AND WHERE MINORITIES MAKE UP LARGE SWATHS OF THE URBAN AREAS.

In the RED states, you see very low density populations, massive wide open spaces, often populated by farmers (usually Republicans, because they hate the welfare state and pride themselves on self sufficiency) and people who have dropped out of the "rat race" and prefer the government to stay out of their business.

What is a ridiculous irony in all of this is that THE BLUE STATES PAY THE TAXES THAT PAY FOR THE "SELF SUFFICIENT" RED STATES, ESPECIALLY ALONG THE SOUTHERN TIER OF THE COUNTRY, yet they universally complain about Government interference in their lives!

Looney toons! Hopefully, order will be restored on Nov 8th, but expect lunacy to continue with the far right Tea Party!
Our Trump supporters are the same as your Brexit voters.
You got that the wrong way round, common sense prevailed with forty odd years of evidence to overcome the snotty nosed you've ruined my life twats hype and bluffing who still think the world is flat. We knew the truth as we have lived through it, and we did the ignorant a favour. You're welcome though potentially undeserving of the privilege with shite like that.

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