Well-Known Member
It's a long story but as the 1894-95 season approached newspapers talked of new signings and included comments like "...signed for City from the old Ardwick club" or "has joined City from Ardwick" etc. Not all the Ardwick players joined City; not all the directors became City directors and so on. Worth remembering that the cross pattee (it's not a Maltese cross - for anyone wondering about the meaning of crosses and so on it would be worth doing internet searches on terms like Cross pattee to see how it's been used/misused over the centuries and what significance these crosses can have) worn by 'the club' was worn in 1884 when the team had reformed as Gorton AFC. St. Mark's was the initial club but it evolved, reformed and was reconstituted several times along the way. The full story is in and those early chapters can be read by using the 'look inside' feature if anyone wants to learn more (but not buy my book).
I'll have a look thanks Gary. I need to do my homework ;-)