Collective Grievance At Work

I once spoke out at a meeting with the HR and Operation’s Director’s about conditions being imposed on us at work. There were 5 others who did the same job in different areas of the UK. We had all agreed to back each other up, once I’d said my piece, not one of the others spoke up.

So after the meeting I told them all what I thought about them, mainly they were a bunch of shithouses. I got made redundant a few months later so I made a point of ringing everyone of them (and others) on my wife’s phone and told them what a bunch of cunts they were. Made me feel much better.

I also managed to weedle a few extra grand on my redundancy package as I had some really damming information on some stunts that had been pulled, had to sign a NDA which they give me an extra £500 to do as well.

So no, probably not suited to diplomacy but I’ve mellowed in my later years.
That is exactly what happens, everyone very vocal but when it comes to the crunch, no one says a word.

I would advise the OP to do fuck all about it. If management don't know already then they can't be trusted to deal with it properly.

Ignore him without being obvious and no fucking favours whatsoever!
I quite liked Coventry when I was there last month. However, it was voluntary as opposed to being sent there. For once.

For what it’s worth, the line manager might be dealing with it but you simply don’t know. Disciplinary can be subtle.
Worlds gone absolutely soft as fuck. Whatever happened to saying it as it is, to someone’s face? There was a time not so long ago you could rightfully have outed this fucker in front of everyone so he/she got the message loud and clear.

Now it’s all ‘can we do this or can we do that?’
Worlds gone absolutely soft as fuck. Whatever happened to saying it as it is, to someone’s face? There was a time not so long ago you could rightfully have outed this fucker in front of everyone so he/she got the message loud and clear.

Now it’s all ‘can we do this or can we do that?’
Can't say fuckall in the workplace now, complaint would go in and you'd be in the shit.
Whatever the other person has done or not done becomes completely irrelevant and you have a fight of your own on!

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