Come On Chelsea (match thread)

kobiblue said:
sjk2008 said:
kobiblue said:
Is there a bigger cheat in the game?

Behave with your anti Chelsea bollocks.

See Busquets, Alves, Pepe, Ribery, Robben and a whole lot more who 'cheat' like Drogba.

Didn't say they didn't cheat, but Drogba is one of the biggest cheats of modern day football, he is built like a tank but collapses like a set of cards when he wants to. No respect for a player like that.

I think there's a difference between what Drogba does and say Ashley Young. The latter dives whereas the former exaggerates contact. Referees only give free kicks if you hit the deck, therefore if you've been impeded; an arm across the chest for example, it may be enough to stop you getting to the ball but not enough to force you to the ground, in this case players like Drogba (and Balotelli) go to ground to show the referee they've been impeded.

I'm not saying it's right but just trying to explain a subtle difference between what I would refer to as cheats e.g. Young and what Drogba does.
Not many great headerers of the ball but Drogba is one of them, great great goal, big goal too.
SWP's back said:
kenzie115 said:
SWP's back said:
Do all those wanting a Chelsea win realise they are trying to nan Hazard and not being in the CL would seriously hamper them?

If he picks Chelsea over us, regardless of whether they win the Champions League or not, then good luck to him but I'd imagine he'll regret it. We're the Champions and we'll strengthen this summer, if not with Hazard then with someone else, and we'll be better next year.
I really want hazard. Not had someone so direct for years.

These Johnny come latelys annoy me just writing players like Beagrie out of our history
Just realised I hit the wrong button on the ol' in-play to bet on 90 minute result and not overall winner. Smashing. Piss boring game, with extra time, and not even any winnings to show for it.
Amazing how Chelsea can either be champions of Europe or 6th place/Europe League qualifiers based on the outcome here.

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