Compulsory Voting: Yes or No?

I lived in Australia for a while, some people would queue up to vote and draw a giant dick over the paper. Just to avoid the fine for not voting. I used to argue with people in the office that it is your democratic right not to vote if you thought none of them deserved your vote.

The only change required in the UK is that the voting age is changed so that you cannot vote after you reach the age of 70. Those voters do not have to live with the long term consequences of their voting (Brexit prime example). Under 18s can't vote and neither should over 70's. Compulsory retirement for politicians at 70 would also help keep the parties fresh and stop people bringing in laws that benefit their retirement funds.
Would you also like euthanasia for the over 70s then? The people who fought for your employment rights, your benefit rights, the people who worked extremely hard all their life, paid and are still paying their taxes but are now not worthy to vote!!!

Just because, as even the press admit, the Tory voters are mainly middle class Southern people over a certain age don’t lump us all with them! I vote after careful consideration, I am not a sheep, never have been. However I am also quite handy at seeing through lies and inept policies as well. I’ve attended political meetings leading up to GE I won’t insult you (even though you don’t mind insulting my generation) by asking if you have although maybe I have just by mentioning it! :-)

Don’t be taken in by the propaganda that all old people are senile or on the verge of it. The only eccentricity I have is my alleged ‘obsession’ with Manchester City. :-)
Would you also like euthanasia for the over 70s then? The people who fought for your employment rights, your benefit rights, the people who worked extremely hard all their life, paid and are still paying their taxes but are now not worthy to vote!!!

Just because, as even the press admit, the Tory voters are mainly middle class Southern people over a certain age don’t lump us all with them! I vote after careful consideration, I am not a sheep, never have been. However I am also quite handy at seeing through lies and inept policies as well. I’ve attended political meetings leading up to GE I won’t insult you (even though you don’t mind insulting my generation) by asking if you have although maybe I have just by mentioning it! :-)

Don’t be taken in by the propaganda that all old people are senile or on the verge of it. The only eccentricity I have is my alleged ‘obsession’ with Manchester City. :-)

I wouldn't give the idiot the time of day eccles, what sort of mental deficient suggests taking away someone's vote because they didn't vote the same way they did.
If voting were made compulsory, then presumably the day of elections (currently Thursdays) might have to change to a Sunday.

In Belgium, I believe people on the electoral list can also be asked to serve at a station and help with the running of an election, rather like jury service in the United Kingdom. Keeps people involved I suppose.
I'm not for compulsory voting as I've previously stated.

I'm from the USA.

Voter turnout, in the USA, isn't great - but I fail to see how compulsory voting would substantially address this.

Instead, jerrymandering, the existence of a Senate - where a state with a very small population has 2 votes just the same as the largest state, and thereby radically warps outcome in favor of the few - the existence of an electoral college - and so on. All of these are much bigger problems.

If someone chooses not to vote - and now you force him or her to vote - are you actually expectant of a better outcome?
I would opt for no. That's the individual's own choice, and they shouldn't be"forced" to vote. But if you choose not to vote, you're in no position to cryarse about whatever party holds the reins of power.
I would opt for no. That's the individual's own choice, and they shouldn't be"forced" to vote. But if you choose not to vote, you're in no position to cryarse about whatever party holds the reins of power.
I disagree entirely.

If - like me - you're in a district/area - where the popular vote is overwhelmingly one way or the other - then why vote? It's a waste of time.

Were voting made one-man-one-vote, and your vote counts for the candidate you chose, county/district/territory/state regardless - your vote counts just the same - 1 vote for your choice - well, under these circumstances - yes - I'd be in favor of compulsory voting, with the option to abstain.

And technology needs to make this as convenient as possible - you need to vote - there's a civil penalty (maybe a 50 pound fine if you don't vote) - but you can vote in numerous ways - via the Internet over your phone, in person, via mail in ballot - etc.
Voter turnout, in the USA, isn't great - but I fail to see how compulsory voting would substantially address this.

You don’t need to guess, there’s 27 countries in the world with compulsory voting so we know for a fact that on average it increases voter turnout by 7-10%.
Compulsory voting is, IMO, a solution in search of a problem.

This from the perspective of a USA citizen.

Were voting compulsory in the USA - would anything change? I think not. Jerrymandering would all but fix many voting districts/states in favor of one party or the other.

Miscellaneous voting regulations - show proof of citizenship - vote by mail outlawed - elimination of voting drop boxes - citizens armed with assault rifles at voting stations - and so on - all of these conspire to reduce Democratic voter turn out.

Compulsory voting won't change any of this.


Compulsory voting is, IMO, a solution in search of a problem.

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