Eccles Blue
Well-Known Member
Would you also like euthanasia for the over 70s then? The people who fought for your employment rights, your benefit rights, the people who worked extremely hard all their life, paid and are still paying their taxes but are now not worthy to vote!!!I lived in Australia for a while, some people would queue up to vote and draw a giant dick over the paper. Just to avoid the fine for not voting. I used to argue with people in the office that it is your democratic right not to vote if you thought none of them deserved your vote.
The only change required in the UK is that the voting age is changed so that you cannot vote after you reach the age of 70. Those voters do not have to live with the long term consequences of their voting (Brexit prime example). Under 18s can't vote and neither should over 70's. Compulsory retirement for politicians at 70 would also help keep the parties fresh and stop people bringing in laws that benefit their retirement funds.
Just because, as even the press admit, the Tory voters are mainly middle class Southern people over a certain age don’t lump us all with them! I vote after careful consideration, I am not a sheep, never have been. However I am also quite handy at seeing through lies and inept policies as well. I’ve attended political meetings leading up to GE I won’t insult you (even though you don’t mind insulting my generation) by asking if you have although maybe I have just by mentioning it! :-)
Don’t be taken in by the propaganda that all old people are senile or on the verge of it. The only eccentricity I have is my alleged ‘obsession’ with Manchester City. :-)