CoMS Banner ideas

TO keep all the singing section happy with their abusing fellow blues who dont sing as much or stand on their chairs or take their shoes off we should put them up a big danny dyer picture because he is propper naughty like them!
goat boy said:
Trigger said:
I would love to see the one that does get up the rags nose' plastered everywhere......


Best bit of marketing EVER!

There's one of these in the North East corner above level 2, and there's another in the South West corner.

Do you work with your eyes closed, Trigger? ;)

No I know we have those but as I say I love to see this plastered everywhere.
I agree with something like this

She saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart without a love in my own

Would be nice instead of rag obsessed
How's about "33 years...and we're still here (although you get less time for murder)"

he he

I like the idea of having the players names around the stadium on level 2, then on level 3 we can have the 'other banners'.
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man's company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call'd Derby Day.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd,
And rouse him at the name of City.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say 'To-morrow is Derby Day.'
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say 'These wounds I had on Derby day.'
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Colin the King, Mercer and Allison,
Lee and Summerbee,
Doyle and Oakes, Young and - Pardoe
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Derby day shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon the Derby day.

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