Confidence is why we aren't progressing.


Well-Known Member
8 Sep 2005
The team looks nervous all the time, no confidence whatsoever. Scared of losing ? Are they letting there price tags worry them ? Can't handle the media pressure ? I personally think it is all three. The only way to stop this might be to create a cracking atmos against The Arse and hope they feel invincible again.
chazmcfc said:
The team looks nervous all the time, no confidence whatsoever. Scared of losing ? Are they letting there price tags worry them ? Can't handle the media pressure ? I personally think it is all three. The only way to stop this might be to create a cracking atmos against The Arse and hope they feel invincible again.

Spot on. This situation can be turned out so quickly if we beat Arsenal's reserves on wednesday - the confidence boost we can get from it can suddenly propel us forward in the league. The effect of a big result on wednesday cannot be underestimated.
I can appreciate that when the media go on and on about City not being able to close out games, there's an element of nervousness about the team, but the two man central midfield and overloaded forward line is far more significant to the lost home points

We scored at a great moment in the game against Hull, and came from 2 down against Burnley to lose 3-2. i'd say City would have been flying at those points, but we weren't helped by the formation we have recently adopted.

Was gutted at the weekend draw. God knows what it would have felt like to lose, but I'm confident about Wednesday and looking forward to it. It could be a turning point. I don't regard Hughes as a bad manager. At the moment I just think he's not ready for such a big job, and is making some mistakes. If we win, it could have a significant impact on our season, but I thought the same about the Hull game, and Liverpool, and Burnley before that.
Marvin said:
I can appreciate that when the media go on and on about City not being able to close out games, there's an element of nervousness about the team, but the two man central midfield and overloaded forward line is far more significant to the lost home points

We scored at a great moment in the game against Hull, and came from 2 down against Burnley to lose 3-2. i'd say City would have been flying at those points, but we weren't helped by the formation we have recently adopted.

Was gutted at the weekend draw. God knows what it would have felt like to lose, but I'm confident about Wednesday and looking forward to it. It could be a turning point. I don't regard Hughes as a bad manager. At the moment I just think he's not ready for such a big job, and is making some mistakes. If we win, it could have a significant impact on our season, but I thought the same about the Hull game, and Liverpool, and Burnley before that.

We never win at home and we never win away
We drew last week and we drew today
We'll never win the Cup 'till we can hold a lead up
They need time to gel and ocne they have the nerves will go away and we will be playing lovely, flowing football.

Cant wait for Wednesday now, c'mon lets beat the Arse!`s tactics that is losing us points, or to be more specific poor tactics.
Confidence comes with winning, and we will not win until Hughes & Co get it right on the tactics board. As previously stated if we`d held onto the leads we have fought hard to get we`d be in a tidy place in the league by now.
Hughes should not look at how we performed to try and hold on to a lead. He`d be better off watching what Chelsea do when they are 1 up with 15 mins left to play. We don`t need to go gung`ho for another goal, just close the game out that`s what Chesea do.
its all about the confidence!
Its a mixture of confidence and luck for me and if we are patient the draws will turn into wins, we were very unlucky on Saturday as Hull did not deserve to leave Eastlands with anything and got a dodgy penalty, same against Burnley. It is only a matter of time before we get a bit of luck, I have a funny feeling it might be against Chelsea.
chazmcfc said:
The team looks nervous all the time, no confidence whatsoever. Scared of losing ? Are they letting there price tags worry them ? Can't handle the media pressure ? I personally think it is all three. The only way to stop this might be to create a cracking atmos against The Arse and hope they feel invincible again.

You maybe right ..,19528,11095_5734505,00.html

Nigel de Jong believes Manchester City fans should leave manager Mark Hughes alone and focus their frustrations on the players.

Hughes came in for criticism from some sections of the City support after another Premier League draw, their seventh in succession, at home to Hull City on Saturday. The Welshman has always insisted that the club's owners are still on side and understand that their investment is a long-term project.

However, with Jose Mourinho recently hinting he may return to England in the near future, the City boss has seen his position called into question.

"We have to sort it out," De Jong told the Manchester Evening News. "We are frustrated at the way we played, and the way we have played in the last couple of weeks at home. "We have to dominate teams here, and that didn't happen. We need to pick ourselves up and look forward to the game against Arsenal (in the Carling Cup)."

Lack of confidence

Despite the poor run of results City are still just three points off fourth spot but it is disappointing performances against the likes of Burnley, Fulham and Hull at Eastlands that has most hurt the supporters.

"I would love to give you a reason - if I could give you the reason, we would win all our games," the midfielder added. "Maybe there is a lack of confidence in some situations. We try to keep confidence high, especially when we play at home. "We are frustrated but have to continue to build for the future, and these kinds of games are always hard to play. "There are a few factors, but we have to give more in every line of our game - midfield, defence and attack. It's a team thing and we have to work harder and harder to get where we want to be. "It was disappointing to play at home again and to concede in the 80th minute. It was also the seventh draw, so we don't get any closer to the top four. Now it is up to us to take it on the chin and come out fighting on Wednesday."
We can't win games if the tactics don't allow us to!!! one person to blame for that i am afraid, yet again defensive midfielder played instead of a more creative option, Hull had two shots the whole game, ?

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