
  • Thread starter dronefromsector7g
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The guy with the crazy hair on ancient astronauts , a complete fruit loop
Joe Rogan has got Graham Hancock back on debating an actual archeologist.

I got about 20 mins but it was just too painful to watch.

It's quite sad really as Hancock is a brilliant communicator, if he ditched his mental theories he'd be a big asset to popular science.

I know sod all about archeology but it's clear as day to me the guy is full of shit.

I've listened to Hancock on JRE before and he seemed like he knew what he was talking about and I almost bought it. After listening to this podcast it's clear he knows a lot less then what he makes out Flint Dibble blew him out of the water with fact and his only response was to get personal
I've listened to Hancock on JRE before and he seemed like he knew what he was talking about and I almost bought it. After listening to this podcast it's clear he knows a lot less then what he makes out Flint Dibble blew him out of the water with fact and his only response was to get personal

That’s the dangerous thing about some of these fruitcakes. They sound like they know what they’re on about, until as you say an *actual* expert tells them to shut the fuck up and listen to reality.
there's a brilliant documentary about flat earthers that came out a few years ago. culminates with them doing an experiment to "prove" the curvature of the earth doesn't exist.

I won't ruin the plot by letting you know if said experiment was successful or not, I'll let you figure it out.

Flat Earthers are significantly more insidious than people realise. They're a hard right creationist religious movement linked to QAnon and all that stuff
Flat Earthers are significantly more insidious than people realise. They're a hard right creationist religious movement linked to QAnon and all that stuff
not sure they ALL fall under that umbrella but there is certainly a significant number who base their belief on the reference to a firmament in the bible, which they take to mean a dome covering the earth.

I thought long and hard about this before reaching the conclusion they're all fucking thick weirdos
That’s the dangerous thing about some of these fruitcakes. They sound like they know what they’re on about, until as you say an *actual* expert tells them to shut the fuck up and listen to reality.

Hancock is a grifter, and some of the actual experts who appeared in his Netflix series have come out saying their words have been twisted or taken out of context.

The biggest indicator that Hancock doesn't have a fucking clue what he's talking about is that if you look at his actual qualifications you'll see he has an undergraduate degree in sociology that he got in 1973 and that's basically it. He hasn't even properly engaged in academic circles for 50 fucking years yet is publishing an international docuseries criticising those same academic circles.

He has no formal education in history, archaeology or anthropology. Yet he purports to know more than people who have dedicated their lives to this field. Despite the fact these people have continuously and clearly pushed back on his ignorance time and time again. Highlighting some of the basic factual errors that he makes.

Below is quite an entertaining series picking apart some of the problems with the series.

While Milo, the YouTuber has an undergrad degree in Environmental Science and Archaeology, what's more important are the views he gets from various PhD holders in this field which are very enlightening.


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